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Submitted By Auric Goldfinger (auric)


A turkiumy for thanksgiving. With a bit of imagination that is... Based on Eugen Buzuk's Adiumy Green


  • Version 1.2
    • Redesigned wrattle
    • added tail feathers

  • Version 1.1
    • Added a bit of shadow under the beak

  • Version 1.0
    • Initial version



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# by JCole on 10/25/07 at 01:13:31

hey its jess again the moses guy. could you make a jesus one? that would be awesome.

# by csquared on 10/25/07 at 14:28:55

I thought you were Jewish.

I mean, so was Jesus, but these are some awfully weird requests. Just as a preemptive strike, I'm gonna call dibs on the Dalai Lama, Socrates, Martin Luther King, Jean-Paul Sartre, Lao Tse, and Joan of Arc.

# by auric on 10/26/07 at 04:07:35

I was thinking the same. As for a Jesus figurine, I'm afraid I'll have to show a Christian image of Him, not a Jewish one :-)

And about your dibs... they're a challenge really...

[And thanks for the compliment a bit lower, it's nice to read :-) ]

# by csquared on 10/26/07 at 12:21:22

auric, you have every right to regard my dibs as utter silliness. :) I was just being snarky.

Now, if I were to make a serious request, it would sound something like "J.S. Bach" or "The Beatles" ;)

# by csquared on 10/25/07 at 03:35:03

Best one yet. The rich, vibrant coloring is exceptional.

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182.86kb (2163 downloads)

4.30 / 20 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 10/24/07
* Duck by Eugen Buzuk
* Attributes by Auric Goldfinger