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Submitted By Christian Cosas (csquared)


This is a port of Andreas Karlsson's silvertheme sound theme for KDE and GNOME. The sounds have all been converted from WAV to AAC at 192 kbps.

The original author describes the sounds as having "a smooth, easy-listening feel". He also notes, "No sound is defaulted to any given event. Use them as you feel." So, I've assigned the sounds to IM events that sound natural to my ear. Feel free to adjust and tweak to your taste in Adium's Events Preferences.

I've omitted two sounds ("iota" and "kappa") from the original theme—at over 10 seconds apiece, they're far too long to be functional for instant messaging purposes. Also, they were adding bloat to the archive size.

The sounds activate on the following events: Connect, Disconnect, Contact Sign On, Contact Sign Off, New Message Received, Message Sent, Message Received, Error, and File Transfer Request.

Licensed under a Creative Commons ShareAlike 2.0 License.


Version numbering in sync with original KDE/GNOME sound theme

v1.0 - Initial release for Adium.


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# by ordinaryworld_ on 11/28/07 at 04:31:24

OMG. Okay i really LOVE this soundset, but not for adium, it's too epic. I think it reminds me SO much of those outdated videos they make newly hired workers watch at orientation or something! AHAH

# by SyntheticFrost on 02/25/08 at 02:52:26

Ha ha... I have fond memories of those sounds. I used to use Gnome in Red Hat, Debian, and SuSe. Great for old Linux users. Though I agree they don't really sound right for IM.

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863.89kb (1921 downloads)

3.80 / 13 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/30/07
Original KDE/GNOME sound theme by Andreas Karlsson

Ported to Adium by Christian Cosas