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Adium CS3 icons.

Adium CS3 icons.

Submitted By laspace


A set of adium icons based of the CS3 icons.


- New darker green!
- original version


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# by laspace on 12/16/07 at 04:50:31

How do you like them? Post comments!

# by evolus on 12/16/07 at 06:25:45

I dont like the color and the font. Sorry :)
But its a good idea ;)

# by laspace on 12/16/07 at 15:34:30

What color would you like?

# by bartb on 12/16/07 at 17:34:08

The whole point behind the new icons is that they resemble the Periodic Table of elements, but for computer graphics and print, as such: So try something with 'Ad', with a color that's easier on the eyes.

# by laspace on 12/16/07 at 18:36:49

Thanks for the comment I will work on that!

# by laspace on 12/16/07 at 23:43:37

Ok the new version is out. Hope you like it!

# by csquared on 12/18/07 at 22:19:31

The new color (it's not so much a green as it is... a green-slate? something like that) is much better. I'm still a little bothered by the vertical spacing between either the "Adium" or the "Ad" and the status text ("Away", "Zzz", etc.); they're butting right up against each other, and need more breathing room. Also, the status messages "pop" too much—they don't seem to be shaded in the same manner as the main logo text, and even though they're the same font, they clash.

I would strongly suggest that instead of using the bold weight (is that Myriad Condensed?), you use a regular or even light variant. That will add some contrast without making them clash.

Also, in the new color, why is the exclamation mark above the logo text, when in the original it's below it? Just a nitpick, but consistency helps.

# by laspace on 12/18/07 at 22:35:34

I will work on all of it!

# by rrcp1us on 12/28/07 at 12:13:00

I tried it out ( ).
I like the idea, and it looks nice next to the CS3 boxes, only it's not the same font as you can see on my screen. (or maybe it's the same font but Extended.)

# by laspace on 12/29/07 at 02:14:19

It isn't the same font, I have no clue what font the real thing is, if you can find it I will use it :D

# by eboyblue3 on 02/03/11 at 03:08:20


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Current Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 12/16/07