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Submitted By Scott Sherrill (scottatremc)


RT is a fantastic ticket tracking system from Best Practical.

This applescript is invoked with /rt{ticketnumber} and returns the url to the ticket in your RT system.

For example: /rt{17234} would return http://myurl/rt//Ticket/Display.html?id=17324

It is handy for sharing tickets with coworkers over IM.

To use you must edit the applescript and change the myurl to your company's url.

Quick directions:

Open the zip file.
Right click (or control-click) the file rt.AdiumScripts and choose Show
Package Contents

Double click the file Contents/Resources/rt.scpt

It should open up Script Editor.
replace myurl in the line that says:

set parms to "http://myurl/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=" & rtnumber

with your url.

Save and close.

Double click rt.AdiumScripts to install.

If you double clicked first... right click the rt.AdiumScripts that was
copied to your Library/Application Support/Adium folder and pick up the
directions from there.


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# by Soul on 09/02/09 at 01:55:24

We use RT at work so this could be very useful. installed and will try it out at work tomorrow!

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4.8kb (108 downloads)

4.20 / 5 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 01/08/08