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Diff Chat

Diff Chat

Submitted By asdf1024


This message style makes it look like you're reading diffs of Important Files in a terminal, and not f*cking off on AIM. The line numbers in the diff are actually date and time, and the numbers following the "prompt" (where the history number might be) are the time.


Tue Feb 5 17:05:37 EST 2008
+ fixed(?) bug which caused improper scrolling for new messages



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# by iwamoto on 02/05/08 at 19:29:34

the idea is realy cool, and especialy the screenshot looks cool, but i have a glitch where i cant see the last input, it falls neatly beneeth the input bar, hoping this will be improved in the future, because the idea is great

# by Rijn on 02/06/08 at 00:56:41

This is really nice, it looks almost exactly like a command terminal. I love it!

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Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 02/05/08