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The Price is Right

The Price is Right

Submitted By Deanna G (thepuppydog26)


A TPIR soundset. Most of the SFX (that I cleaned up a little/lot) are from but some I just had on my computer, same with the themes...Not sure where I got them from, it was a while ago.

Contact signs on- Fragment of the "Come on Down" theme
Contact signs off- See above
Message received- "Tinkle" sound from magic number
Message received (Initial)- A different part of the tinkle.
Message sent- Tick-tock from a timer
File Transfer begins- fragment of main theme
File Transfer Canceled- the winning dings
File transfer complete- another part of the main theme
file transfer requested- Big wheel boops
Error/file transfer failed- losing horns.

Hope you enjoy. :)

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199.24kb (3297 downloads)

4.20 / 14 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 03/06/08