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Dharma Icon

Dharma Icon

Submitted By Kevin (Sleeves)


This is a dock icon based on the Dharma logo from LOST. I've always wanted one, so I decided to make my own.

If you notice any problems with it, please drop me an email or leave me a comment and I will try to fix it right away (and, no, the icon disappearing when you go invisible is not a bug).


Changed "Adium" to the Adium duck silhouette
Removed black lines on top and left side
Made idle icon transparent instead of grey



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# by fish3k1 on 03/22/08 at 21:35:03

You should replace the word Adium with a stylised duck face/duck silhouette, just something pictorial that ties it into Adium

# by Sleeves on 03/22/08 at 22:47:30

I'll see what I can do

# by Sleeves on 03/23/08 at 00:22:30

Updated to 2.0

# by fish3k1 on 03/23/08 at 10:34:40

Much better ^^

# by Symeon on 12/03/08 at 11:34:20

How about losing the duck and just have the logo, and have it turn red for alert, transparent for away/idle, and slowly spinning for connecting?

# by Symeon on 12/03/08 at 11:36:07

I mean spinning three-dimensionally around the vertical middle, not clockwise

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1.17mb (758 downloads)

2.90 / 12 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 03/23/08
Dharma Logo ŠABC
Adium Icon by Kevin S.