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Submitted By stilist


This message style is the realisation of design ideas I’ve had in my head over the past few months. It builds on the basic stripped-down code of a previous, unreleased theme.

I release this message style as CC-BY/NC/SA. If you redistribute or modify, please include a credit to stilist.

Please comment if you have a suggestion or a problem—I’ll see what I can do.

Image credits:

Note: This theme looks best if Calibri is installed, but will fall back to Tahoma.


v 1.1
  • Margin above the first message
  • Long usernames are cut off if they don’t fully fit into the box
  • Two new background images



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by mathuaerknedam on 04/10/08 at 02:20:40

Nice! Though long timestamps wrap to a second line, and it would be nice if there was a margin at the top. Bravo on building is with the background being the only image. You might consider adding a light variant. And while all the room to breathe is refreshing, you might consider a somewhat more compact version. You're likely to get requests for it. :)

# by stilist on 04/16/08 at 16:55:10

I’m having trouble with two of your requests, unfortunately.

First, the longest timestamp form is approximately twice as long as the shortest when using Tahoma (with Calibri it’s worse). The options I came up with were
1) always have the timestamp box at full width (which looks ridiculous with the small form), or
2) Completely change the display of the timestamp.

I may go with 2) next update, but for now I’ve widened the box slightly.

Second, what changes would you suggest for the compact version? I browsed through the default themes, but didn’t see anything that looked appropriate. This may change depending on how I handle the timestamp situation, of course.

# by mathuaerknedam on 04/16/08 at 17:20:03

The nice thing with timestamps is that they're all the same width. This means you shouldn't generally need to specify the width, only the padding desired (unless you really want a fixed, rather than consistent, column width). If you add "white-space: nowrap;" to .time, the timestamp column will automatically expand to be as wide as necessary for the user-selected timestamp format. If you don't want this, you can still prevent undesirable timestamp-wrapping by explicitly formatting the timestamp in your html.

I'll have to get back to you with suggestions for a compact version.

# by dcentity2000 on 04/10/08 at 20:03:01

I love it!

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/12/08 at 14:30:51

i really like it!! [: i think (these are some suggestions)

-Different Variants, which would be really cool
-More Backgrounds with the variants, i love this one
-maybe fixing the fact that the name scrolls off my page- when the name is long

other than that, u did a really good job!

# by stilist on 04/16/08 at 16:57:15

I’ve added in two new backgrounds and changed it so long names are cut off.

With regard to variants, what sorts of things would you like to see?

# by unisphere on 04/16/08 at 17:53:09

is it just me, or will this not work with other fonts?
also, can you add an option to display screen names?


# by unisphere on 04/16/08 at 18:37:57

one other thing - it could use mouse-over screen names, since in a group chat i dont know who said what...

# by smajor on 04/18/08 at 19:31:45

Great theme, my new favorite. Since 1.1 letters such as jygp have their lower case dangly parts cut off. It's less noticeable with Calibri installed, but a couple rows of pixels are still missing even with the suggested font.

# by lelandrb on 06/09/08 at 00:45:53

Amazing! The backgrounds compliment the style, brings back good memories of GAIA.
However, you need to work on the way usernames are displayed. The style leaves something to be desired. Personally, I think that the usernames should be smaller, and outside of the chat window. They just look out of place at the moment.

# by Khanti on 09/05/12 at 12:18:52

Nice work! Personally I will prefer a (very) smaller usernames, and not italics. Please could you make a variant for that? Thanks :)

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3.90 / 59 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 04/16/08
See description for image credits; the rest is by me.