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Yoda Duck

Yoda Duck

Submitted By Erin Ferrell (lysistrata398)


Yoda Duck for Adium this is.



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# by cheesechick on 08/28/04 at 08:57:48

Yay! A Yoda duck! Awesome!

# by infinity on 08/31/04 at 11:37:39

Very cool, it is.

# by Anonymous on 09/01/04 at 12:46:32


# by on 09/14/04 at 18:29:43

Great icon- it makes me smile everytime i switch apps.

# by Bonka on 11/01/04 at 06:20:29

Very nice.

# by Jem on 01/15/05 at 14:36:30

Excellent !

# by michelebugliaro on 01/26/05 at 18:45:24

Fantastic! lysistrata398 makes very good graphics.

# by nillon on 02/12/05 at 21:54:04

Great Adium icon Yoda is.

# by on 02/20/05 at 08:15:23

awesome and a half!

# by on 03/10/05 at 22:05:50

I like it! :)

# by on 06/12/05 at 09:54:46

Very good! I like it. :D

# by militarywife on 08/27/05 at 21:32:55

Awesome! Lost words.

# by CMNeir on 11/25/05 at 03:33:18

I love this dock icon. I am a big Yoda fan, thanks.

# by CMNeir on 12/02/05 at 22:06:16

Could you do maybe a Sith Jedi one or Darth Sidious?

# by lysistrata398 on 12/05/05 at 12:04:57

Unfortunately, I've put Adiumy-making on hiatus until further notice. I've not had access to a Mac for several months and, even if I did, I haven't had any time as of late. But thanks for your interest.

# by firstaceone on 03/15/06 at 23:31:49

nice looks cool could make one dark though

# by ChainRocket on 04/17/06 at 19:44:09

Oooh. Ahhh.... I thinks its awesome. Very Star Wars like lol. Can you please if u can make more more MORE!

# by MaxBazarov on 11/06/06 at 10:06:42

Very nice, thanks!

# by touspous on 11/17/06 at 20:25:20

May the force be with you!!!Very spacey!

# by metel on 01/16/07 at 16:23:57

How fabulous! Thank you so much. I am happy whenever Yoda Duck draws his lightsaber.

# by richwyld on 01/18/07 at 01:45:05


# by FUNsquatch on 11/27/07 at 21:40:27

I must've downloaded about 5 of your designs before I realized they were all by the same person. I like your work very much and just wanted to pay you a compliment. Thank you!

# by bassman92 on 12/30/07 at 03:16:25

amazing this adium dock icon is. love starwars i do, and very appreciative of the yoduck on my dock i am. more movement in the arms much appreciated it would be. of course please and thank yous are in order. this is a great duck! 4 duck and a beek...

# by darthfirepoker on 02/02/08 at 18:26:57

maybe when you have an unread message in your background chat, yoduck could move his lightsaber around instead of flapping a wing? other than that, gold star i give this

# by zhangzaigao on 04/14/08 at 10:53:26


# by bernyrova on 06/23/09 at 23:39:17

nice !! hey do you do the docs ??? well if you read and want can you made one of swim od somwthing like that thank you

# by nash.baker on 08/26/09 at 20:59:23

I think a cool icon would be of Yoda and Darth Vadar having a duel. Just a simple back and forth hitting. Just a thought...

# by HackTrance on 10/20/09 at 05:47:24

Thanks Amazing!!!!

# by theirix on 09/09/10 at 00:19:42

Great idea!
Iconset has wrong displayed name ('Leia Duck' instead of 'Yoda Duck') in a Appearance settings window. Leia is good anyway:)

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83.63kb (96797 downloads)

3.90 / 910 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 08/26/04
Original Adiumy by Adam Betts.