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Submitted By Paul Armstrong (mnkeybsness)


Inspired by Watermelon Sauce's new site, Scribbls.

Choose the "Show Header" option to see the torn paper top as in the image below.

Uses smooth-scroll javascript from Cinematic message style.

Recommended others:
  • iPhone mini status icons
  • Riceballs smileys


2008-05-19 1.0.2
  • Added margin to bubbles to keep them from running to the full edge of the window (per multiple requests)

2008-05-14 1.0.1
  • Fixed bug with custom font and font-sizes

2008-05-11 1.0
  • Initial Release


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by on 05/14/08 at 03:01:07

I like this very very very very very very much!
Thanks a lot!

# by pasalot on 05/14/08 at 13:12:00

Great Message Style, so much so that this is the first time I've ever commented in all the years of using Adium!!

This praise is perhaps a little loaded though. One suggestion - the speech bubbles shouldn't stretch all the way across the window, instead stopping in line with the friend's image. In my mind it would look cleaner and be easier to read. The only other question is text size, can seem to make it any bigger, am I being dumb?

Going to keep using it though as its really snappy, well done.

# by mnkeybsness on 05/14/08 at 13:22:05

Thanks! I will check on the font-size issue. It's very possible that some of the CSS styling has disabled it by accident.

# by dcentity2000 on 05/15/08 at 12:10:28


# by visualize27 on 05/16/08 at 05:52:59

I noticed that when sending out inline images on AIM within Adium with this messagestyle the image gets stretched vertically to much amusement ;) . Why is this happening? I noticed this is the case with all the variants. When receiving inline images I get a nice thumbnail of the image so everything is okay there. Great style btw. I really love how the URLs gets clipped, something a lot of other messagestyles do not.

# by antipeople on 05/19/08 at 06:39:25

Great style!

Wish the text bubbles ended in-line with the images, rather than stretching across the whole window.

# by mnkeybsness on 05/20/08 at 00:03:06

Enough people requested this, so it was added into 1.0.2

# by antipeople on 05/20/08 at 00:51:02

Hm. Seems to still be doing it.

# by mnkeybsness on 05/20/08 at 00:53:38

Quit and restart Adium. Sometimes CSS changes don't seem to take effect until the application is relaunched.

# by tallyliii on 05/22/08 at 01:12:38

Absolutely beautiful. The best message style I've seen in a long time. I would recommend desaturating the colors besides blue, though, as they're especially strong for a message background.

# by tallyliii on 05/22/08 at 01:14:34

Coincidentally, I just realized I'm using the two recommended extras (As well as Hirogen's Pure Adium message style, which works wonderfully with this).

# by cadillac22 on 05/23/08 at 18:15:51

Beautiful message style but Is there a way for me to change the avatar/buddy icon size to be something larger?

# by Salocin on 07/04/08 at 14:37:50

I love this style, but I have a problem with the avatars in the msg window. It seems that whenever I have a multi-contact, scribbls doesn't know where to find the avatar and shows a question mark instead. Would be great if you found a fix for this…

# by iakxer on 09/20/08 at 03:43:41

i think it'd be great if the user display pics can be's abit small now isn't it? :)

# by iakxer on 09/20/08 at 03:45:03

n the header could be smaller I reckon? perhaps as an option ;)

# by MrCakes14 on 11/25/08 at 17:33:26

I like this set a lot :) very clean and very well done...but I still seem to have the issue where I can't change the font. I was also wondering about a darker gray and/or black option? Keep up the good work!

# by flipje225 on 11/27/09 at 23:14:15

how to make your own themes

# by arnie on 12/17/09 at 01:47:38

This is amazing. I was wondering if there are updates to this amazing message style?

# by arnie on 02/01/10 at 20:48:12

How come the user icon on the header of my chat window shows a "?" symbol, and not the msn symbol as shown in the pic i uploaded

# by uld211 on 02/19/10 at 09:43:08


# by rgama on 08/21/10 at 07:11:08

This one is very good, indeed, but mind you changing its scrollbar to something like the one used in the style Modern Bubbles? It would be even better.

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63.22kb (15690 downloads)

4.10 / 93 votes
Current Version: 1.0.2
Last Updated: 05/19/08
Watermelon Sauce
Cinematic (scroll.js)