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Xbox 360

Xbox 360

Submitted By Nick Peelman (peelman)


I searched around and couldn't find an existing soundset that used the sounds from a 360, so I dug out the audio clips the XBMC MC360 theme uses and slipped them into a soundset. There are several unused ones included as well if you want to customize things yourself a bit.

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Comments Are welcome!


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# by GameGuy360 on 08/30/08 at 05:34:19

wow, great set.

# by peelman on 11/19/08 at 21:22:21

A (separate) 2.0 Release with the sounds from the NXE (New Xbox Experience) is on my agenda, in case there are any fans looking for an update based on the new Dashboard.

# by Halcylon on 06/28/10 at 06:56:25

Any update on that NXE theme?

# by peelman on 06/28/10 at 06:59:05

I have kept a weather eye open around the interwebs for the sounds, but I haven’t seen them crop up anywhere.

I was just thinking last week that I should just drag the 360 into my office and record the stuff into GarageBand myself. From there I can split/encode/compress to whatever I need. I haven’t gotten around to it now. Perhaps later this week...

# by Halcylon on 06/28/10 at 07:01:14

Yeah, that was what I was going to do as well.

# by Halcylon on 06/28/10 at 06:56:44

Actually, I'm trying to get the Froza sounds too.

# by peelman on 12/20/11 at 10:52:51

Metro Dashboard soundest coming soon! I have the sounds recorded, cropped, and encoded, I just need to get them packaged up into a soundest.

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2.32mb (13691 downloads)

3.60 / 55 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 06/13/08
Microsoft™ Xbox 360™

XBMC MC360 Theme

Soundset Compiled by:
Nick Peelman