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iPhone SMS - Status Icons

iPhone SMS - Status Icons

Submitted By Aqueous


I created these status icons for my iPhone SMS message style. There is another set of icons like mine, but I created mine from scratch and they include more colors for different statuses. I decided to release these as a standalone submission for anyone that likes them, but don't want to use the iPhone SMS message style.

Please feel free to provide feedback.


• Available icon now shows in the contact list.

• Initial Release



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# by DBrenz on 10/05/08 at 22:20:34

This would be great if all the colors worked! Not even the "available" status icons show up, just the "Idle" icons work. Very classy but majorly flawed.

# by Aqueous on 10/05/08 at 22:26:55

I made the "Available" status icon only appear on the tabs. I did this because it makes it easier to tell who is idle, away, on their mobile, etc. It's not majorly flawed, I figured it would be easier on the eyes.

# by masterjedidan on 12/29/08 at 22:20:00

If you want the "available" icons to show up in the contact list, then download the icons, right-click the "iPhoneSMS.AdiumStatusIcons" file, and click "Show Package Contents." Open the "Icons.plist" file with a text editor, and change line 12 from "" to "available.png".

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Current Version: 1.0.1
Last Updated: 01/04/09