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Random Quotes From the Simpsons

Random Quotes From the Simpsons

Submitted By Chris Streeter (streeter)


Get a random Simpsons quote anywhere that Adium supports AppleScript tags. Just put %_simpsonquotes in a message, status message or profile to populate it with a random quote. Quotes are of the form:

Homer: Helllooo, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me.
Postal Clerk: Okay, Mr. Burns, uh, what's your first name?
Homer: ...I don't know.

Please let me know of any inaccuracies or errors at adiumxtras [at] chrisstreeter [dot] com. Enjoy!


It previously didn't work. It should actually work now since before it was looking for the quote generator in the wrong place.


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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 03/13/11