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Submitted By Yoav Weiss (czarlimit)


What Is It?
This script is essentially, a calculator. You can add, subtract, multiply, divide, take powers, and find remainders.

How to Install
It's quite simple. Download "Calculator.AdiumScripts" from the AdiumXtras website. Double click on "" to unpack the script. Inside the folder is this read-me and the script. Double click on the script to install. Note: You must have Adium 0.60 for this script to work! Relaunch Adium and you're done!

How to Use
Even more simple. Lets say you wanted to add 9 and 4, but couldn't equate it in your head. The script works in the following accepted forms:


Note: Remember to use { } and not ( ). Also, there are three parameters that the script looks for, and you must separate each with a comma, and it makes no difference if you use spaces after the commas or not.

Calculator Dictionary:
"add" for Addition
"sub" for Subtraction
"mult" for Multiplication
"div" for Division
"mod" for Remainders
"exp" for Exponentials


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# by on 09/19/04 at 12:46:12

Would it be possible to make this script use "/calc 5+6(7/5)" and return an answer? Much quicker than having to use {}....

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10.05kb (477 downloads)

3.20 / 59 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 09/06/04
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