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Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger

Submitted By Jaime Zaragoza (jaimeeee)


All of the Windows Live Messenger emoticons in high quality, including the Bunny and the I'm icons.

It also includes the correct text equivalent for each emoticon.



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# by Blaxje on 02/02/09 at 16:14:22

Why isn't this package in a release version of Adium? It should be.

# by draco13 on 09/08/10 at 22:13:10


# by stef157 on 11/16/10 at 21:55:49

can you update it with the new live messenger ?
thx a lot

# by jaimeeee on 11/16/10 at 22:00:41

Which are the differences? I'm not a Windows user... (Actually I don't even remember how I made this ones) but if you point them out I'll update it as soon as I can!

# by stef157 on 11/16/10 at 22:34:55

can you tell me where can i found it ?

# by jaimeeee on 11/16/10 at 22:39:52

You said the is an updated version of the emoticons, I didn't know about this, do you have any source or something where I can view the updated version? or maybe take a screenshot of the new ones?

# by stef157 on 11/16/10 at 22:54:10

# by jaimeeee on 11/16/10 at 23:03:49

Oh wow, a completely change (I don't like them btw) but I should try doing another set with the new ones :)

Thanks for letting me know!

# by stef157 on 11/17/10 at 18:44:10

ok, thx for your job :-)

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4.20 / 61 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 09/30/08