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Flight of the conchords

Flight of the conchords

Submitted By Henrik Engman (prinsen)


A dock icon with Bret and Jermaine in the TV-series Flight of the conchords.

This package features three different dock icons. One with Bret alone, one with Jermaine alone and finally one with both of them together.

I havenŽt had time to add any proper previews with this first release but IŽll add some previews when I got more time. If you have any problems with the dock icons please let me know and IŽll try to fix them to the next release



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# by cmax34 on 10/08/08 at 17:09:39

I love Flight of the conchords :D

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1.08mb (869 downloads)

3.50 / 15 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 10/02/08
The guys who made excellent TV-series Flight of the conchords