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Submitted By Stephen Grace (LtRammstein)


The script is mainly used under status. It will display what you are watching, the channel (no number) and the next show coming up!

To use: %_ETS (or if you are not so lazy, Edit > Insert Script > EyeTVStatus)


Watching Futurama on CMDY-W via EyeTV. Up next is Daily Show With Jon Stewart.

Watching Mythbusters - Blind Driving on TDC-W via EyeTV. Up next is Mythbusters - Viral Hour.

Watching Batman Begins on FX-W via EyeTV. Up next is It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Mac & Charlie Die.


I do want to mention that certain local channels tend to break the script, and I have not figured out a way to fix it. If you do have a possible way, please let me know so I can fix it!

This script has been tested on 2.5.x and 3.0.x, and it works! If any issues arise from updates, please let me know.

NOTE: After some testing, I found some minor issues with installing an updated version of the script. This usually causes you to restart EyeTV and/or Adium. The next update will be better, but this issue might be with EyeTV. *UPDATE*: This only occurs if EyeTV is on, so once you update, please make sure to restart your EyeTV. In certain cases, updating may not require a restart of EyeTV.


1.0 - Initial Release
(Coming) 1.1 - Added more comments, and independent shortDescription. If currentShow has a shortDescription, and nextShow doesn't, and vice versa. Added recorded video functionality. Potential fix to bug with updating script with EyeTV running.


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# by bittin on 10/10/08 at 02:02:39

Great :)

# by kmon on 10/10/08 at 16:22:14

Been waiting for something like this, thank you and great job!

# by insular on 11/04/08 at 09:40:41

how do you activate it? failed to cover that part in your documentation :P

# by LtRammstein on 11/05/08 at 06:46:21

To be honest, whenever I get a new script I always go to Edit > Insert Script to see how it's used...

# by AssetBurned on 06/08/09 at 02:32:56

What happens if you have two or more tuners connected to EyeTV?

# by AssetBurned on 06/08/09 at 02:52:12

It doesn't work with my setup. 2 receivers, newest EyeTV and Adium 1.4b6.

# by LtRammstein on 06/21/09 at 04:38:16

I haven't had much time to look into setting it up with two EyeTV supported devices. When I have time later this summer I'll look into it and update code.

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4.60 / 10 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/07/08
Stephen Grace, Apple, Steve Jobs, Applescripting guides and books, Will