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Monkey Monkey Monkey!

Monkey Monkey Monkey!

Submitted By Takeo Apitzsch (takeo)


I found this monkeys to be soooo funny - I needed to create emoticon set myself including almost all of these:

Thanks to the creator - whoever he/she might be! :D

If you like it, give me feedback and I'm gonna include more!!!
(hell lot of work to go ;) )

Have fun folks!


Takeo /

Below you seen an excerpt only - there's more in the package ;)



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by dcentity2000 on 10/20/08 at 22:01:25

5 ducks :D

# by Wizardling on 10/26/08 at 00:53:09

I'll match your 5 ducks and raise you two more! Brilliant set :-)

# by Ratoncito on 08/15/09 at 22:03:40

Really cool this mini monkeys....but okay my question is this.... u're the only one who can see those...the ppl u are talking to...cant see what is the point? -.- It will be great and funny if ur friends can see them.

# by takeo on 03/25/10 at 16:30:43

well, as long as your chat partner has got Adium and the emoticons installed, he/she can see them :)
(it's the same to almost all emoticon sets)

# by villazinico on 10/21/10 at 21:55:38

ok man

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417.91kb (24823 downloads)

4.10 / 192 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 10/16/08
Takeo from
and the creator of the monkey-icons! :D