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Stargate SG1

Stargate SG1

Submitted By Joe Brown (Nysc)


This is the first iteration of a Stargate Emoticon Set. I felt it had enough for a release. :)

I was shocked to see no Stargate smileys at all (at least, searching for Stargate found none) :O

There are loads, literally loads of stargate smileys out there. So many in fact that there will probably end up being an O'Neil set, Teal'c set, Sam set, Gate set etc. But until then, I was content with this.

There's also the option of a SGA set if anyone wants.

Soz for the rubbish preview xP


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357.92kb (531 downloads)

4.30 / 7 votes
Current Version: 0.9
Last Updated: 10/29/08
Assembled by Me.
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