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TealBlack Adiumy

TealBlack Adiumy

Submitted By King ROFL (-KingROFL-)


This is a try. The colors are a little different. But if you dont like it please contact me and say which coulors you want.

Have Fun

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Version 1.0

Teal Adiumy

Version 1.0.1

I Uploaded the .zip again, because cutiepi had a problem to download it. Hope it works now.

Version 1.1

I changed the color of the Away/Idle sign.



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by socre8eve on 06/23/09 at 18:31:08

i love favorite colors. Thanks!!

# by Bhikha on 08/10/09 at 00:50:22

sweeeet colors :)

# by cutiepi on 09/19/09 at 20:50:01

for some reason, this inst working for me
i instealled it and it says tealblackadiumy in the selection bar, but it doesnt show the picture.
does anyone know the reason for this?
this is the best dock icon i have come across and i really would like to use it.

# by -KingROFL- on 09/20/09 at 19:37:19

I upload the .zip file again. Hope it works after the "Pending Approval" is finished. Sorry about that :-/

# by cutiepi on 09/20/09 at 23:07:30

its not completely loading now.
it will say loading, show up to between 40 and 60% then the adium contact list will pop up and the downloading/installing mesage will go away.
thanks in advance :)

# by -KingROFL- on 09/21/09 at 17:32:04

If you still have problems to download/install go to my website. You find the TealAdiumy in the category "Simple".
Have you tried it after a new Installation of Adium yet?

# by cutiepi on 09/22/09 at 06:26:05

hi i have tried all of that
it installed this time, however im back to the problem i was having before where i am not able to see the little picture in the selection drop down menu, and even if i select it, it does not change anything.
maybe its just something wrong with my computer?
well thank you anywayss, andd i still love your dock icons, they are pretty amazing!

# by -KingROFL- on 09/26/09 at 19:27:36

Try it again. The .plist file missed so I think this should fix it…

# by cutiepi on 09/29/09 at 06:53:57

it works, my dock looks awesome, thank you so much KingROFL,best adium icon ever !
and thanks so much for fixing it so i could use it, i def appreciate it.
my dock is completely hot now,
thanks again :D

# by rob-to86 on 09/22/09 at 18:41:57

This Xtra lacks the .plist file, King ROFL.

# by -KingROFL- on 09/26/09 at 13:32:57

Thanks. Add it again. Sorry about that.

# by rob-to86 on 09/26/09 at 17:48:24

Good job! :)

# by adiumfreak on 01/03/10 at 22:18:38

Could you make a green one?

# by -KingROFL- on 08/25/10 at 20:47:15

Sure. Iam working on it!

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387.79kb (2681 downloads)

4.10 / 109 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 09/27/09
by KingROFL, Original Icon by Adam Betts