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For Duck's Sake

For Duck's Sake

Submitted By 3quid


I wanted to create a nice simple message style that went with my contact list style (created just using the settings within adium). Once I had done it I thought I may as well submit it for others to use if they like. It comes in 2 flavours - Dark and Light. This is the first style I have made so there are bound to be bugs - let me know when when you find them and I will be glad to (try and) fix them.



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# by esi on 12/03/08 at 16:43:51

I am officially in love with this style. What tends to bug me in general about adium styles are that they are either too "empty", and trying to cram all the empty space with tiny text, and they call it minimalism? Or they are way too heavy on eye candy. either way, not very pleasant for my eye in the long run. This one is enjoyably easy on the eye. I'm going to give it a test run for couple of days and hopefully it will replace my current msg style of choice. I might even notify you of some bugs if I manage to find some. :)

note: this is also one of the few msg styles that fits extremely well with the "no toolbar/tabs below" setup. The drawback for some users though is that it doesn't fit as well with the "toolbar / tabs on sides" setup. But maybe that's just me being hard to please.

# by yayo on 01/12/09 at 08:51:24

For Duck's Sake! Finally, a fresh message style. Using it at the moment.

# by saebi on 01/12/09 at 19:34:43

Really nice messagestyle, but I can't get the Userpics at the top to work. Do You have any idea why?

Greets from Germany


# by Arena on 03/01/09 at 01:41:14

Please tell me what font you are using in the message window ... I can't bloody find it ;)

# by Arena on 03/01/09 at 02:08:58

yeah and one more thing.. might just be my adium but it won't show the smily icon for " ;) " ..... but will show the smily icon for a plane smile " :) "
Again it may just be my program !!

# by Arena on 03/01/09 at 02:11:02

Oh and it was... just restarted hehe ... sorry too much coffee !!!!
Still would like to know the font you use mr .... this is a fantastic message style !

# by 3quid on 03/02/09 at 00:41:10

the font in the coloured boxes and the contacts name in the header is Lucida Fax. glad you like the style. enjoy

# by Arekkusu on 04/19/09 at 20:01:16

Clean! Thanks for creating a great style.

# by rakyp on 09/07/09 at 19:11:50

This is absolutely beautiful. So simple and yet so crisp on the eyes. Love it thank you!

Any chance for the slightest bit of transparency on the backgrounds?

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Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 12/01/08