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Boxy Swank

Boxy Swank

Submitted By Thomas Maibauer (Spyral)


My second addition to the Adium Xtras. Went a bit more "classy" on this one.

  • Ability to toggle Buddy Icons and Timestamps on and off. Including the ability to turn off both.
  • 9 color themes. Including Pink and Violet for the female users.
  • Flexible code allowing resizing of windows without distortion of themes. Fixed background won't move or re-size even during long conversations.
  • Soft shadows on all text giving a more subtle reading experience.
  • Forced uppercase on Usernames, giving an easier approach to following a conversation without alternating colors or annoying dividers.

Upcoming Changes:
  • No updates are planned at this time.

Hope you enjoy! Please comment, and feedback is always welcome!


Version 1.2.0 Changelog:

  • Removed "»" and indentation from "next content" messages.
  • Cleaned up the CSS code, removing duplicate entries. (Not sure how this happened, but it did.)


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# by incoldblood on 01/12/09 at 22:17:16

cool! I like it! Good work :)

# by Spyral on 01/12/09 at 22:49:02

Thanks! I can't think of anything I want to add to it, however I was thinking of doing dark-color schemes from this layout. I.E. instead of black: dark red, dark blue, etc.

# by Indrid_Cold on 01/14/09 at 19:36:36

Great! Mrc Bkp!

# by Spyral on 01/18/09 at 07:18:00

Thanks for the compliments! I'm currently working on a semi-glossy style with the reflections plug-in. Keep your eyes peeled for it. I expect to have it done within the next week!

# by Spyral on 02/13/09 at 14:31:13

This has been postponed due to a pick-up in hours at work. I apologize. I will try to get on this as soon as I have time.

# by ekologik on 02/13/09 at 05:59:05

looks great. great name too! made me laugh for some strange reason.

# by Spyral on 02/13/09 at 14:28:27

Haha, figured some people might get a kick out of that.

# by ekologik on 02/13/09 at 17:07:01

definitely did! good job.
hey do you think you could maybe do a variant without the » things?

# by Spyral on 02/14/09 at 00:47:19

I most certainly can. I'm considering making the smileys fit into the lines of conversation as well, instead of them making the lines look awkward. I'll get on this when I get back from being out of town on Sunday Feb 15th. :)

# by Spyral on 02/14/09 at 01:06:03

Actually... I got this done for ya. Please allow time for the staff to approve the changes.

# by ekologik on 02/23/09 at 06:31:34

hey thanks for the removal of » !! :D i appreciate it. looks great.

# by Spyral on 02/23/09 at 14:15:45

Not a problem. I actually like it better myself.

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3.70 / 19 votes
Current Version: 1.2.0
Last Updated: 02/14/09