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Desktop Icons

Desktop Icons

Submitted By Spenser Jones (BrilliantWinter)


Well, I decided I wanted a desktop icon theme for Adium... so I made one :D Some things (spacing) don't work out as nicely as I would have liked, but what can one do? The current colours were the ones in the simplestatuslist theme. I didn't take anything but that, and the only reason that I took that is that I didn't feel like changing them right now :P

Also, I have my service icons set to UpToDate (except modified to only show facebook accounts, and bonjour I guess, as that icon is showing on one user) hence having it as a badge, but you can throw it wherever (reason that the status icon is not a badge is my friends icons are too colourful sometimes and its hard to see the status)

Hope people like it, and if you have any suggestions, just let me know!



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# by JoeyDee on 01/25/09 at 16:52:02

Dude - i love your wallpaper, where did you get it?

# by BrilliantWinter on 01/26/09 at 02:31:14

Shoot, I don't even remember... somewhere on I will take a look for it, but I can't even remember... all I know is they are named wall2.[1-4].jpg

# by BrilliantWinter on 01/26/09 at 02:33:41

And actually, I think it was in a TUAW mac desktop thread on flickr, but it linked to dA... I will look over the next week and see if I can find it for you!

# by kodora1316 on 02/24/09 at 23:11:09

Great set! I also like the wallpaper. They fit well together.

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4.62kb (2274 downloads)

3.80 / 12 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/15/09
Spenser Jones