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Submitted By Remy Porter (t3knomanser)


Based on the turl AppleScript, this one does the same job, but using's URL shortening service. Copy a URL from a browser window or wherever, type %_bt in an IM window, and hit enter- you'll send a shortened version of the URL.


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# by EnzoFX on 02/25/10 at 04:34:33

Would it be possible for the script to simply grab the URL from Firefox? Or any browser?

That is the entire process would be done with just the one kb shortcut/or a short command. Where it would use the current firefox tab url.

# by Snupt on 09/26/10 at 17:48:40

For registered users:

on substitute()
get the clipboard as text
set theClipboard to the clipboard as text
do shell script ¬
"curl --stderr /dev/null "" & theClipboard & "&format=txt""
return (result)
end substitute

# by maxnikitin on 02/28/13 at 14:23:18

It brokes file sending via adium. Please, fix it ^_^
Thanx for xtra, very nice plugin

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4.25kb (488 downloads)

5.00 / 6 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 01/28/09