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Rayman Rabbids

Rayman Rabbids

Submitted By gatfil


Rayman Rabbids
dock icon created on the base of the fantastic wii game.



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# by soulplace on 03/29/09 at 20:57:33

OMFG i love you!

# by soulplace on 03/29/09 at 20:58:47

and what about a soundset?

# by gatfil on 03/30/09 at 09:39:13

good idea, when I have a time, I will make soundset.

# by soulplace on 03/31/09 at 08:35:30

i can help you if you need!!!

# by hospitalrecords on 04/19/09 at 19:07:25

this is great but far too small! even when my dock was huge i couldnt see the little dude properly. if you made a bigger version i would definitely use it :]

# by gatfil on 04/19/09 at 20:10:39

you are right, I will make a change soon...

# by gatfil on 04/19/09 at 20:15:31

can i have a screenshot of the your dock? so I can have an idea of the scale...

# by hospitalrecords on 04/19/09 at 20:19:40

here is a screenshot of my dock
he is just so tiny :'[

# by tiredone on 02/03/10 at 21:32:45

I LOVE this dock icon. Made me incredibly happy to see it.

I agree though, we could really use a soundset!

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549.54kb (10605 downloads)

4.30 / 102 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 02/12/09