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colours switched

colours switched

Submitted By allison lamb (allie25489)


This set of status icons is a modified version for Chimpytwm's "hearty" status icons.
I changed which colour went with what status, other than that its the same.
The only thing different is:
Green heart: available
Pink heart: away
Purple heart: offline
Orange heart: idle
White heart: invisible
Yellow heart: typing
Blue heart: mobile
Black heart: content



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# by Yoshizawa on 04/18/09 at 20:40:18

the set is cute but i can't install >_

# by FrühlingsBlume on 04/21/09 at 09:53:32

I like this set, but i can´t install, too.... =(

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Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 04/08/09
Modified version of Chimpytwm's amazing hearty status icons