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Submitted By Hadrien Lanneau (hadrien)


TwitterStatus display your last twit on Adium exactly like TwitterAdium. The difference is the main script is wrote in very light PHP in place of ruby and need very less ressources each time it's executed.

Type %_Twitter everywhere you want to display your twits : profile, chat, etc

The first time you'll use it, a file ~/.twitter.ini will be created. You'll have to edit with your favorite text editor (vi is strong) to specify your username and the interval of time the twit have to be refreshed.

That's all.



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# by Ozy on 05/01/10 at 23:23:30

Why not remove the ".xml" from the HTTP request? That way twitter requests aren't rate limited.

Additionally, do you plan to toss in some cleaner code for the user's home directory for the creation of the .ini file?

# by Ozy on 05/02/10 at 11:02:11

Your code checks for '@' is in the string, rather than if it is the first character. I'd suggest switching over to strncmp to correctly allow for tweets with '@' in it.

# by Ozy on 05/03/10 at 00:56:51

Modified and updated the script. This version correctly handles @replies (I think - tested only by preventing them), correctly allows RTs to be posted, does not cut off retweets when they are posted by API (which results in them being truncated).

I've modified much of the code for reading clarity and added comments.

# by hadrien on 05/04/10 at 21:13:38

I'll take a look at your script when i'll get time. Thanks for your contribution :)

PS : to have the best performance, the entire code would be in applescript. If you know AS, i encourage you to rewrite the xtra with it. I don't know AS :(

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/08/09
Hadrien Lanneau