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Mochastyle - Message Style

Mochastyle - Message Style

Submitted By Patrick D (mocha0range)


Minimalist, text based theme based loosely off traditional IRC style messages and comment style status messages. Now with color!

Contactlist -
Messagestyle -
Statusicons -

Colors available:
  • teal vs teal (i still like it the best :P)
  • green vs yellow
  • orange vs yellow
  • pink vs purple
  • purple vs green
  • purple vs teal
  • teal vs green
  • teal vs orange
  • teal vs pink


1.3.1 - Fixed the consecutive messages bug! Thanks to Frederick (hodr)!

1.3 - Now with timestamps!

1.2 - Added user requested colors, added padding around status messages. Fixed font not being able to be changed. Names displayed as display names, not screen names, by default.

1.1 - Changed status message text color to red from green, and text-transformed it to uppercase.



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by webcookie on 04/25/09 at 14:05:58

I love this style, but I'd love it even more if I could choose my own font. If you did that, and gave the option of using different colours for each person's name, and maybe a couple of colour options therein (pink vs teal, purple vs green, yellow vs orange), this would very easily become my default message style. :)

# by sceptiQ on 09/07/09 at 22:06:54

jeah... my own font... that would be great... al i can change is the senders font but not mine. Which file i have to edit?

# by mocha0range on 04/29/09 at 04:07:13

Thanks webcookie, just saw your comment. I'll work on it and let you know when it's changed. :P

# by sibyfi on 04/30/09 at 18:20:34

I like the text based message styles and this is the best i've seen so far. Koodos! I'll echo webcookie's comment about separate colors for the users.

# by mocha0range on 04/30/09 at 18:23:18

Working on additional color schemes currently. Any requests?

# by northerlywind on 05/01/09 at 02:54:01

Aqua + Green, Aqua + Orange

# by picoponey on 05/08/09 at 12:03:07

Hey, why didn't I have the nickname shown on the conversation? It's always the mail address of the contact, am I the only one to have this problem or isn't just a parameter I haven't set right?
Still, it's a nice theme, simple and clear! Thank you!

# by webcookie on 05/12/09 at 16:44:14

colour scheme requests:
- pink vs teal
- purple vs green
- yellow vs orange
- green vs yellow
- pink vs purple
- purple vs teal
(can you tell that I just love colours)

I can't wait to see the updated version!

# by mocha0range on 05/15/09 at 01:35:25

Hey guys, quick update - thanks for your comments, I really am trying to make time to make these changes. Work is a nightmare right now. :(

@picoponey - I have no idea why it's not showing up, but it does have something to do with how I set it up. This is my first theme, I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing here. I'll look in to it, but if anyone has any hints, please let me know.

- Patrick

# by mocha0range on 05/26/09 at 18:42:21

Sorry it's taken me so long, but I've made all the requested changes. Everyone should be happy now. I hope. :P

# by zhizn on 05/27/09 at 01:27:40

What about adding a time in message? Maybe as an option?

# by picoponey on 05/27/09 at 20:14:41

Good news: the problem is fixed!
Thank you very much :)

# by webcookie on 05/30/09 at 08:28:45

Yeah, I have to agree with Zhizn: time stamp! Otherwise, I love it and all of the new colour options! :)

# by hodr on 05/30/09 at 10:05:24

Nice style. It's my default one.

When I installed it, I notice a little problem. It doesn't appear in the Message Style list.
I investigate and find the following thing.

I installed the Terminal message style some months ago.
In Mochastyle, you use the same identifiers as in the Terminal style.
If you change the CFBundleGetInfoString and CFBundleIdentifier in the Info.plist to anything else than the Terminal style values, Mochastyle appears in the Message Style list.

# by Glorp on 06/13/09 at 09:26:39

lol, thanks mate.

# by jhonbob3 on 05/31/09 at 03:32:03

+1 vote along with zhizn and webcookie for time stamp

# by knightlost on 07/21/09 at 04:30:24

for zhizn, and webcookie, and jhonbob3

This is the theme with time stamp support

# by vthree on 08/24/09 at 15:03:44

is there anyway we could enable timestamp? I tried doing it via advanced.. but still change... I like this theme the most! just wish I had timestamp - something you do see in terminal =P .. and if only I knew terminal better I may be able to resolve this myself lol.

# by vthree on 08/24/09 at 15:07:07

cancel my last statement - knightlost's post works great!

# by eliezer on 10/28/09 at 05:27:27

One of my number 1 favorite message styles. Well made and minimalistic! Looks like my terminal! Love it. Although, I am having a bit of trouble with the fonts I'm sending... they appear in Arial 10 instead of Monaco 9, then when closing a chat window and reopening, it reverts to Monaco...

# by tmaurer on 09/20/10 at 10:31:16

great message style... looking forward to see some updates :)

# by sam1am on 11/23/10 at 21:10:25

Great message style - my favorite so far. Request: timestamps next to messages like h4x0r ( Left of the name, or faded gray floating right would be awesome.

Just a simple hour and minute (date not needed). If it can't be implemented as an option, and not everyone else wants it, maybe a different version of the style could be made?

# by mocha0range on 05/23/11 at 23:10:32

Yeah, so I know it's a bit late, but timestamps have been added. Thanks for using my style and drop me a line at if you have any requests!

# by mizzyalana on 05/27/11 at 19:16:01

If I'm sending messages at a quick rate, a few of them don't show up. =/

# by hodr on 06/01/11 at 09:11:00

You can fix this by modifying the Info.plist file in the directory Mochastyle.AdiumMessageStyle.
Set DisableCombineConsecutive to YES

# by hodr on 06/08/11 at 17:10:49

Hello mocha0range,
In your next release, please could you change the "Bundle identifier" in Info.plist to something different from ?
e.g. ;-)
That would make it possible to use your style even if Terminal style was previously installed.

# by klexur on 09/10/11 at 20:53:01

i created an account just to comment here, since i really like the skin ;)

i'm still having a "consecutive message" problem. i tired adding the id=insert part to the content files, but that didn't work. any way i can fix this?

# by porter23 on 03/28/12 at 18:32:38

I don't know if it's just me, but as of v1.5, this messagestyle no longer shows up in the preferences window.

# by LaurenceLord on 06/29/12 at 15:08:44

Hi mocha0range,
I love the them.
Any chance of a style for mentions?

# by coffeetrick on 07/31/12 at 04:33:42

i love this style, but for some reason adinline isn't working with it? would you happen to know why?

# by strugee on 07/24/13 at 11:54:02

This is _exactly_ the kind of theme I came to Xtras looking for. Thank you so much and keep it up! Or not. Your choice :)

# by strugee on 07/26/13 at 09:11:52

Btw, this theme doesn't show up when you have the Terminal theme installed. I suspect a naming conflict but I don't know how Adium themes work internally.

# by jonzai on 10/30/13 at 13:27:28

I loved this theme!
However after installing, it is not showing up in the pref. list. for messages. Contacts works fine.

Other installed themes are working fine on messages.
Anything I can check?

Tks in advance for your help (and for the theme itself :))

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18.17kb (21113 downloads)

4.20 / 74 votes
Current Version: 1.3.1
Last Updated: 06/01/11
Thanks to Takumi Murayama for Terminal Message Style, which was my starting point.