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Submitted By Vivian (Gor0n)


Adium dock icon based on the Amora iconset by David Lanham.
You can find the complete iconset here.


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# by CompC on 06/01/09 at 05:14:58

Wow, that Dock looks really nice! What is it?

# by Gor0n on 06/01/09 at 11:35:49

Amora, link, modded by me.

# by Gor0n on 06/01/09 at 11:36:27

# by CompC on 06/02/09 at 01:44:01

I knew about the Amora dock and used it a while ago when I used Amora. But your mod looks amazing! Could you share it?

# by Gor0n on 06/02/09 at 12:46:53

Ah the dock, excuse me.. i was sleepy lol
Here is the dock

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188.43kb (392 downloads)

4.80 / 9 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05/26/09
David Lanham
Vivian (Gor0n)