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Morpheus (with always on top)

Morpheus (with always on top)

Submitted By BlueRevolution


Please note: As this contact list style is packaged in a .dmg, please use the download link to the right. The install link won't work.

Think of this as Mockie with class. This is based (in name only) on a style I did for Adium 0.63 which I uploaded right around the time 0.70 was finally released so it was never actually made public.

Contains 4 list layouts (Original, Big, Minimal and Always on Top) and 2 colour themes, one for dark backgrounds and one for light to enhance readability.

If you care, I recently uploaded another pretty-lookin' contact list.


  • 1.5 :: Added a readme file to help people who still don't know you can't use 0.63 contact lists with 0.7x :).

  • 1.4 :: Added a drive image with a much prettier interface to show previews of each style so you can install only what you want. Note: the files have been renamed so you will have to manually delete any old versions of Morpheus you may have installed.

  • 1.3 :: Customized always on top theme to fit better with the other Morpheus themes - Mockie with left-aligned text rather than centered text on a borderless window.

  • 1.2 :: Includes a layout which is even more minimalistic than minimal, designed for an always on top list (I've discovered I like having it always on top but I can't spare the pixels for ANY of the themes online right now). It has less transparency so it's readable on top of prettymuch anything. You can get the best effect by setting it to hide your offline contacts (under the View menu). This way it shrinks when people go offline and it takes up even less screen space.

  • 1.1 :: Celebrating my 900th download in just 8 days (yes really, and I haven't been padding them either ;), I have added 2 new Morpheus varients: Big and Minimal. Big cashes in on the "big icons only" craze while still remaining functional by giving your contacts actual names :P, while minimal is my penance - no wasted pixels here. The status icons are gone, which saves 2 or 3 pixels per contact - a fullscreen list has room for about a dozen more contacts!


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by on 10/20/04 at 03:11:57

cool , where can i get the U2 itunes desktop picture?

# by BlueRevolution on 10/20/04 at 03:39:50

you sort of missed your chance. Apple's now promoting the new faster iBooks over U2 so the big pic is gone. fortunately it's still on my hard drive and now up on my website, and you can download it from

# by bob_the_gorilla on 10/20/04 at 04:21:51

I don't normally check out contact list styles - I've got mine set up just how I like it. But this one is really, really cool, and not something I'd have thought to do. Much kudos to you :)

# by on 10/20/04 at 12:08:31

Can you email me pls!!!
the link is no more good.

# by infinity on 10/21/04 at 23:09:00


# by on 11/16/04 at 20:23:01

wow awsome man,were did ya get the wallpaper of mr. smith?i wanna have that one too!that woudbe an awesome combination!

# by BlueRevolution on 11/17/04 at 00:12:04

look in the credits -

# by miroku on 09/29/05 at 17:58:35

I like this, but it made me hyperventilate on the large setting... and I can't figure out why...

# by silver_sugar_ish on 10/10/05 at 16:19:47

that's spiffy. oh, by the way, can anyone tell me how to upload a contact list style? i've got no clue.. (yes, I know, I'm an idiot, but idiots can wonder, right?)

# by barmycarmy on 12/29/05 at 12:59:15

This is absolutly gorgerous! I'm currently using morpheus white minmial and its so nice that i can change backgrounds and it still looks great.

Well done :D

# by Henrz on 02/04/06 at 12:11:03

vey nice

# by asherlewis on 02/06/06 at 15:39:20

how do i get my offline contacts to be blurred?

# by Dylan1077 on 02/11/06 at 15:14:02

He did that with photoshop (or some program of the like) so names would remain anonymous.

# by basmets on 04/21/06 at 06:48:15

hey i downloaded your list style because it looked really cool, but it doesnt work. When i install it nothing happens and it does not appear on my preferences.

# by BlueRevolution on 04/21/06 at 16:32:39

what version of adium are you using?

# by raveneris on 05/17/06 at 00:14:10

I have the same problem as basmets. I'm using version 0.89.1 from April 10, 2006. Please fix! This looks awesome!

# by BlueRevolution on 05/19/06 at 23:49:14

I created a new user account and installed Morpheus on a fresh copy of Adium there with no trouble. My guess would be that the problem is probably with Adium rather than with Morpheus. Does it work to put the .ListLayout and .ListTheme files into your "~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Contact List" folder?

# by raveneris on 05/20/06 at 00:38:54

Okay, got it working... clicking on the "Install" link above opened Adium but didn't actually install anything. Once I clicked the "Download" and just plain ol' double-clicked the files once the DMG opened everything worked fine. Maybe because I'm using Firefox?

And it looks pretty sweet on my desktop. ( = Thanks for the help!

# by BlueRevolution on 05/20/06 at 15:14:29

Ahh, okay. Yeah, because it's wrapped in a DMG Adium doesn't know what to do with it. I'll add a note to the X(tra)'s description. Thanks for that, you had me stumped. Enjoy!

# by BlueRevolution on 05/20/06 at 15:17:44

Okay, I disabled the "Install" link. Didn't know you could do that. Thanks again.

# by bleachego on 04/07/07 at 12:12:39

i just DLed the newest adium. double clicking the layouts and clicking the install button both arent working for me. :/ any suggestions?

# by mattcoops on 08/15/07 at 08:06:21

I have Adium 1.1.1, i have tried to install by clicking install and nothing happens, i then download the files and double click on them and cant open up with adium that way? i also tried to drag and drop files in xtras manager.. help please.

# by mattcoops on 08/15/07 at 08:16:23

dont worry, if people are still having problems i found a way of installing.
just find Adium 2.0 in Library>Application Support>Adium 2.0
and then just drag into the folders of which the files go to.

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300.79kb (123538 downloads)

3.70 / 608 votes
Current Version: 1.5
Last Updated: 11/14/04
Smith desktop in screenshot from, character ? AOL Time Warner. U2 desktop from (gallery for U2 iPod).