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Print URL to current iTunes Track

Print URL to current iTunes Track

Submitted By Jeff Rigby (jrigby)


This script outputs a link to the currently playing iTunes track so your buddies can listen to the music you're listening to.

Note: You must have an admin password and an internet connection that allows you to serve web pages. This script requires some minor user configuration to work properly, so read the included directions carefully before installing.

Once you type your domain name or IP address into the script you just type:

%_trackURL{Link Text}

'Link Text' can be replaced by anything you want. For example if I'm currently listening to the following:

Artist: Interpol
Track: Not Even Jail

I can type %_trackURL{Play '%_track' by '%_artist'} to print a link with the following text "Play 'Not Even Jail' by 'Interpol'".

The script will not print a link to iTunes Music Store's mp4 files which are protected. All other formats work (mp3, aac, etc...).

One thing missing from the documentation is that you must copy trackURL.AdiumScripts out of the DMG before making the modifications to the script. Otherwise, you wouldn't be allowed to save it. Sorry about that.



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# by jrigby on 10/18/04 at 21:17:25

Make sure you copy the script out of the DMG before you make the modifications to the script.

# by Anonymous on 10/21/04 at 17:01:45

Will the script print links to mp4 files that aren't protected?

# by jrigby on 10/23/04 at 20:04:08

I'm assuming you mean non protected AAC files. These files have a different extension of "m4a"

So yes it will print a link, however doesn't seem to not know how to serve these files as a quicktime document.

The next update will have more detailed instructions.

# by jrigby on 10/23/04 at 20:10:13

One thing I noticed that a lot of people are having trouble with is the Music folder not having read access to the WebServer, maikng the alias described in the documentation not work.

To fix, just highlight your music folder open the get info box, click the details button, and give everyone read access, and then click the "Apply To Enclosed Items Button".

That should do it.

# by allyp on 11/19/04 at 20:58:46

when i go in to enter my ip address, it says it can't save the file. what? i don't get it. it doesn't have any error msg for compiling at least. but it won't work cause i can't save

# by Alex on 01/24/05 at 21:45:52

This script is awesome. I already had my music set up on my webserver, and this is just perfect for me.

# by mark on 03/11/05 at 16:37:41

Hi, great script!
Just two things; Can't get the %_artist or %_track working..
Tried it myself and your examples, didn't work..

Second: I can't get it to show in regular instead of italic.
Everytime I use the script, my font settings change to italic...


# by ihaveabellybutton on 03/18/05 at 14:40:49

Instead of telling us to use the terminal in the readme you could type - do shell script "sudo ln -s /path/to/music /Library/WebServer/Documents/music" - into the script.

# by on 07/25/05 at 19:27:01

i can't get this to work at all. my music is on an external hd and i saw that somewhere in there you can't do that without more config. so, anyone wanna help me? i've done the script addjustment, and the other steps in terminal, but i don't know what to do about my music being somewhere else. i tried aliasing but i think somewhere said that didn't work either.

im bukowskimouski on aim or email or whatever if you wanna help me out. thanks a lot.

this script sounds awesome as hell but i can't get it to work!!!! no!!!

# by incubation on 03/02/07 at 12:16:00

I tried dyndns, but I don't like the DNSUpdate_Deamon running all the time. So why not forget things like dyndns and do it like this:

"set yourURL to do shell script "/usr/bin/curl -sS " & quoted form of "" & (do shell script "awk '{print $8}'")"

Have fun!

# by incubation on 03/02/07 at 12:57:20

Oh... the query-limit... I see

# by timblac on 04/11/07 at 00:45:49

ha funny what is the documentation supposed to be opended with i can't get it to open on my computer...

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191.13kb (1283 downloads)

3.10 / 73 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/16/04
Jeff Rigby