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Submitted By Trevin Ward (tedger)


This is a slightly modified version of the built in message view Mokie. It has a floating full size buddy icon with the person you're talking to. All of the variations from the original are included.



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# by darmot7 on 10/17/04 at 21:07:25

this is my new default messanger style, excelent!!! if you dont like having the icons by the name you can take them off, like u can do in reg mokie.. *hi five* :-D

# by danielgrenell on 10/17/04 at 22:03:55

will me be seeing that adiumy as a dock icon extra?

# by danielgrenell on 10/17/04 at 22:04:06


# by tedger on 10/18/04 at 05:02:35

Actually that Adiumy is already a dock icon that is where I got it from :D

# by DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD on 10/18/04 at 16:42:24

I like it but i think a grey/black one would be cool :)

# by on 10/18/04 at 23:34:23

Just great. For the first time, adium users with msn accounts will have the chanche to see full size avatars in their message window.

# by on 10/20/04 at 09:09:38

this is great:just as djmori said:'For the first time, adium users with msn accounts will have the chanche to see full size avatars in their message window.'thats great cause all my friends have msn

# by on 10/20/04 at 09:12:26

only 1 fuckin' thing,i use jaguar(10.2)and u cant use message view styles there

# by on 10/20/04 at 09:13:16


# by lysistrata398 on 10/22/04 at 22:40:17

Dude! That's my Adium!! How cool is that? I feel so special now!

# by lysistrata398 on 10/22/04 at 22:41:32

Well, my AdiumY, anyway. :)

# by on 11/02/04 at 22:44:25

One tiny request -- can you set it so that there's a placeholder of the empty duck for those people without images for the big picture? Currently for those people who don't have a picture i just get a little blue question mark.

# by tedger on 11/05/04 at 17:03:37

Unfortunately I'm not a skilled web designer and really don't know how to do this. But if someone wants to tell me how I'll add it.

# by on 02/03/05 at 02:48:50

Great, only thing would be cool is more colors, still the best though.

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38.02kb (4183 downloads)

3.30 / 81 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/16/04
Origonal Mokie Message View written by Jorge Salvador Caffarena aka Eevyl