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Adiumy iMac (Late 2009)

Adiumy iMac (Late 2009)

Submitted By Regivic (Regivic)


• Dock icons set with Adiumy wearing a Apple's cap and behind the recently updated iMac (Late 2009) with Magic Mouse and Apple Wireless Keyboard.

• Conjunto de ícones para Dock com o Adiumy usando boné da Apple e atrás do recém atualizado iMac (Late 2009) com Magic Mouse e Apple Wireless Keyboard.

• Conjunto de iconos Dock con Adiumy con una gorra de Apple y detrás de la reciente actualización del iMac (Late 2009) con Magic Mouse y Apple Wireless Keyboard.



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# by misinha on 10/23/09 at 02:38:39

Ah ficou ótimo! Esse iMac novo tá muito perfeito.

# by Regivic on 10/23/09 at 04:23:53

Que bom que você gostou !
Muito obrigado pelo comentário.

# by briphonebr on 10/24/09 at 03:11:36

hahaah lgl..., mas queria ver uma ss dele rodando no adium para ver se fuca lgl nele tmb +D!! e seria uma lgl com macbook tmb =D

# by Regivic on 10/24/09 at 03:26:50

Valeu !!!

# by Notred on 12/06/09 at 16:34:53

Nice but can you fix that iconset without Adiumy wearing a cap and fix more colurs.

# by Regivic on 12/06/09 at 23:36:40

I did duck with the hat just to differentiate from other icons already exist in other versions of iMacs and MacBooks, maybe in the future I can do with other colors.
Thanks for the comment.

# by ILYA on 04/11/10 at 22:00:59

Спасибо! Отличная работа!

# by kuroshiro on 05/04/10 at 08:58:00

Nice one. What is about Adiumy in same style with mac book pro?

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