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Submitted By Matt art209 (3lilducks)


Bigfoot... rough draft. Comments welcome.


version 1.1- updated to 128 px which fixed the display name in the dock icon.
version 1.2- changed idle, away & alert states, added invisible state.



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# by Bhikha on 10/26/09 at 01:21:23

ahah, so cool xP

# by Bhikha on 10/26/09 at 01:22:08

coul you make a new one that looks more like the original duck please? :)

# by 3lilducks on 10/26/09 at 03:56:28

I thought I would try to make a duck from scratch in photoshop. Maybe for my next attempt I will use Adam Betts original icon design. Any other character suggestions?

# by BlueRevolution on 10/26/09 at 04:02:10

I love it! I prefer the from-scratch version, personally. Colouring the default duck brown just wouldn't have the same effect.

The away and idle states could use some work, though. Maybe away could be a freakishly large footprint?

# by 3lilducks on 10/26/09 at 04:12:08

I didn't put a lot of effort into it. If I revise it, I will have the Away state with the character walking away looking back, like the infamous photo. Maybe the Idle state as a large footprint or maybe have bigfoot hiding behind an evergreen tree? Also, I need variation in the eyes and bill. This was just a rough draft to get some feedback.
Thanks for the positive comments.

# by metaphysical on 10/30/09 at 21:02:41

Awesome work here. I would love to see your PSD to see how you created some of the feather effects and shading. Is it just a lot of burning and dodging or are those shapes?

Some suggestions: you should probably pack it as a smaller resolution (128px I think?). Right now it's double (or triple) the size it should be and it's creating a strange effect in my dock with badges and whatnot.

Maybe with that smaller size you can up the contrast and color so that it looks more at home with other high contrast icons in the dock.

# by 3lilducks on 10/30/09 at 22:52:10

I did a quick sketch, scanned it, traced my sketch with the lasso tool to create body parts, burned the shadows, then used the lasso tool for selecting highlights. Quick and easy...
I believe it is at 256 px. I ran into this problem with the other dock icon I created because I didn't read instructions first ( I will resize to 128 px and upload later today.
When I get some time, I will probably start from scratch and create something more elaborate with overlays and more animation.

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4.40 / 42 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 11/21/09