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CS3 Duck

CS3 Duck

Submitted By Matt art209 (3lilducks)


CS3 style based on design by PSHERO.


Updated to 128px which fixes problem at dock.


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# by Nemesis19 on 10/28/09 at 22:56:28

Dear developer,
when the alert "show the name on dock icon when there is a message" is enabled, the name of my contact is written in very tiny size, so I cannot read it...

can the problem be fixed?

# by 3lilducks on 10/29/09 at 11:27:56

I updated the icons pending reapproval. I believe the problems was the icon size. I had left them at 512 px instead of 128 px. This should fix the problem. I am new to Adium as of last week and probably should have read the instructions first (, but alas...
If you run into this problem again with other Adium dock icons you can simply resize them yourself to 128 px with PS or Preview. You may want to keep the off state .png file at 512 px, above it is the black icon with "Ad" so it isn't pixelated when viewing it in the finder, etc...
Also, if I'm wrong anywhere here, someone let me know. I still a noob.

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293.04kb (948 downloads)

3.50 / 4 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 10/29/09
PSHERO, Sean Hinton, Adam Betts