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Submitted By b123400 chan (b123400)


This message style is a clone of the BBS of a animation called Durarara ( )

I tried my best to make it looks like that BBS, the original one:
This message style:

There is only color scheme now, but I will make more later.
This style is modified from Scribbls which made by mnkeybsness, thanks the original author.



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# by mud212 on 02/23/10 at 04:41:05

Wow. That is *huge*.

# by miseryantics on 02/24/10 at 18:07:51

This is what we need! Something with a bit more style!!!
Who cares if its big, all the more prettyness to look at. Nice job mate *thumbs up*

# by ruinates on 03/03/10 at 00:15:14

So cute! I love it.

# by loveivs on 04/21/10 at 08:36:24

Top class message style. I love it. ( so does the "three kingdom story") hey, do you happen to got any chance to modify the border of the message window as well?

# by audie on 11/24/10 at 12:25:35

awesome! great job man!

looks just like it!!

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 02/19/10