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Submitted By Thomas Schrader (slogmen)


A clean, lightweight and minimal Message Style for Adium.

You get:
  • easy readability
  • nice colors
  • Fade-in of new messages
  • Fade-out of history messages

What wishes do you have for future Versions?

For the Geeks:
All animations, transitions and rounded corners are powered by CSS3 and the awesome WebKit-engine!
So there is no additional Javascript used to fade-in or fade-out messages!


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by peelman on 04/17/10 at 06:26:35

very sweet man. My only request would be applying some contrast between the incoming and outgoing messages. Make the outgoing messages slightly faded or something.

# by greatcaffeine on 04/17/10 at 11:47:41

Love the style, it's exactly the kind of thing I've wanted! Nice and simple, but still stylish. There are only a couple feature requests I would have.

First, would it be possible to make this message style respect font preferences? As it stands, I can edit the CSS file to change my font, but it would be a lot simpler if I could just change the font inside of Adium. Second, it would be nice if there were some light variants - the dark background looks cool, but light backgrounds can be nice too.

Anyway, great work on this!

# by amaan on 04/19/10 at 03:53:11

Pretty cool. ill use this for while

for future ones. i really like the scroll bar on elegant simple.. and maybe an option for user avatars to show? maybe at the far right end or the ichat style.
maybe too many ideas. but the scroll bar would be great!

# by slogmen on 04/21/10 at 09:10:43

Thank you for your feedback! I will think about your wishes and ideas. Definitely the font preferences will be "unlocked" and I'll try to add some light variants. I will play also a little bit with the scrollbars and the avatars, but I'm not sure where it ends.

# by tschundeee on 05/08/10 at 12:41:05

superb theme! really really nice! is there a fitting adium-style for the main window?

# by Leech on 05/19/10 at 20:30:20

Nice theme. Animations too long for me, but cool.

# by slogmen on 05/19/10 at 21:23:34

You're right on this. I will improve this in the next version!

# by Leech on 05/19/10 at 21:28:45

Great! I'll wait your version :)

# by Leech on 05/20/10 at 00:19:25

A btw, a good thing would be the timestamp on each line not only the first, because if you receive a message and in two hours get a new message, there's no way to see when the second message were sent.
Maybe keep the same way, and add a timestamp in each line barely visible, a dark gray. Well, you're the stylish dude :)

# by Dahlstroem on 07/04/10 at 11:32:30

Iv'e been using this for a while now and i absolutely love it! I have just one issue, and it's not with the theme itself. My problem is the annoying scrollbar.
I would be so thankful if you released a version where you can "hide scrollbar". Again, great work man! a piece of art.

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3.29kb (5205 downloads)

4.20 / 54 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/07/10