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Submitted By craptacular


A set based on the Adobe CS5 icon look.

Created to fit as seamlessly as possible alongside your other CS5 dock icons, matching the subtle transparency effects of the originals. Connecting and Alert states are both 5-frame animations.

Now using multiple ICNS files to ensure that the icons scale correctly and match other CS5 icons regardless of your dock size.


Using ICNS files for correct scaling with different dock sizes



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# by Ellmer on 05/10/10 at 01:32:43

It's a little off height wise. If you align it to any CS5 icon you'll notice the base should be brought up a bit. As well as this, the 'Ad' could have an inner shadow added to match the original CS5 icons more delicately too. So it looks like the light green has depth behind the dark green. Again; you can see this in the original CS5 icons.


This is an amazing submission! Thanks for getting it out so fast! I've been searching everyday since CS5's release to get my hands on a new Adium icon set to replace the old CS4 ones. I love the icons for the difference statuses too. The previous icon set I was using would just change the colour of the icon (like red for away). So we'll see how this new look works (:

I'd give 4 and a half because I'd REALLY like to see the two details I suggested added before you sit back and relax the popularity of this addon grow, but I can't. So it's a 5 from me, and hope you'll get the little specifications added ^^

# by craptacular on 05/10/10 at 16:19:17

Weird - I used icon assets from CS5 apps as a template, yet they still appear off height for you?

Hmm. I'll take a look at my source graphics again and see if I can figure out what's going on. If I find any sizing discrepancies I'll revise and submit an update, as I want this to appear as seamless as possible with other CS5 apps.

Thanks for the feedback - every little bit helps!

# by craptacular on 05/10/10 at 16:32:42

It appears that the reason that it may look off in size to you is due to the way that icons are sized in OS X. The CS5 icons are .ICNS assets that include several versions at different sizes within the same file. They are sized at 512x512 pixels, 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32 and 16x16. The one that appears is chosen by whatever size you have your dock set at.

This xtra is 512x512 only... for now, so it might appear a little off to those that use certain dock sizes.

For now I am unaware of how to have multiple sizes supported in the .plist file of the ".AdiumIcon" asset type, but I'll check if multiple sizes is even a possibility within an Adium icon xtra. If it is possible, I'll submit an update. If not, I'll just submit different versions at different sizes and you can just pick the one that works best with your particular dock size.

# by craptacular on 05/10/10 at 18:07:10

Submitted both 256x256px and 128x128px versions of CS5ish. I will link to them from here as soon as they are approved.

In the meantime I'll get 48px, 32px and 16px versions ready to submit as well as continue looking into ways to support multiple resolutions within a single Adium Icon xtra.

# by craptacular on 05/10/10 at 21:12:53


Figured the issue out right after submitting the other versions, so updated this one and cancelled the approval requests on the others.

CS5ish 1.1 now uses multiple ICNS assets to match CS5 icons with any sized dock (pending approval).

# by igit on 05/12/11 at 18:34:14

You can use ICNS-files instead of PNGs? That's really interesting.

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959.33kb (867 downloads)

4.80 / 13 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 05/10/10