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Submitted By Stephen Checkoway (steve.checkoway)


Ignore the AOL System Message that appears every time you log in to your AIM account from multiple computers simultaneously.


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# by Anarco on 10/25/10 at 02:27:06

Finally !

Oh yeah this so great ! Thanks a lot ;)

# by steve.checkoway on 10/25/10 at 03:01:11

Glad you like it. It was pretty trivial.

# by waffffffle on 12/31/10 at 23:26:39

Love this plugin. Should be a feature of Adium, but until then this is great. Prevents meaningless Prowl notifications.

# by waffffffle on 10/30/11 at 21:33:13

Can this be updated to 64-bit please? Thanks.

# by ainokun on 12/01/11 at 11:12:42

I'm also curious to see if we can get this updated for 64-bit, or instructions on how to do it ourselves. Thanks!

# by steve.checkoway on 12/05/11 at 00:46:23

It is simple to update for 64-bit, but as there is no 64-bit version of Adium released, and the 1.5 branch requires Mac OS X 10.6, thus excluding PowerPC, I haven't bothered updating it.

# by steve.checkoway on 12/05/11 at 16:54:09

Okay, I take that back. The directions for building it yourself are here.

# by jmsq on 03/23/12 at 18:17:06

Now that 1.5 has been released, can this be recompiled to support it? I compiled it myself using the instructions, but having a 64-bit binary would be more convenient for everyone :)

# by waffffffle on 06/26/12 at 03:07:32

I finally figured out how to compile my own version of this plugin for 64-bit. I posted it here:

# by petes_house on 03/15/13 at 05:35:44

can u please reupload this to a working URL. thanks!!

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4.33kb (3507 downloads)

3.30 / 23 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/26/10