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Visions I

Visions I

Submitted By Lavender (Serfox)


Unbelievable. The number one top rated soundset for Adium. You guys rock, glad you like the set.

The first in the new Vision series of IM sound sets. This is a project started to bring simple, elegant yet practical IM notifications to the Adium platform. In short, I find very few that I find both aesthetically pleasing and practical at the same time. I hope to somewhat try to change that.

Please leave a comment, and any suggestions you may have :)

License updated to accomodate use of this sound pack for other projects:

visions i by Jamie Soar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.Source Distribution at

Please contact me before using it. I like to know where it's going :D

2012 - It's at number three. Glad you all like it :D
Update: And now at number two! Geez...

Also if you like this? Email or leave a comment. It's got this high for a reason. I like to know what you all think


v 1.0

Project begins, Visions I.



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# by lepht on 10/16/10 at 01:54:31

You're dead on about the overall lack of practical, pleasing soundsets for Adium.

And luckily, your choice of sounds is fantastic. I can say without a doubt after using adium for the last 6+ years that visions i is the best soundset for Adium.

5 duckheads and many thanks to you, sir.

# by Serfox on 10/28/10 at 02:21:43

Thank you very much! I'm glad these sounds are satisfying!

# by kelleychambers on 01/20/11 at 19:26:03

Having used Adium for many years, I can honestly say this is the only soundset that I have not had to "customize". It's not just pleasant but it's VERY office friendly. While a lot of the soundsets are funny or entertaining for a while, this is just down right perfect. I have bookmarked it so that I can re-download it the next time I have to install re-Adium. YOU ROCK! Thank you and five ducks up! :)

# by Jinxia on 02/27/11 at 07:33:31

Absolutely wonderful! Did not need to customize at all! Best part of a sound set like this is that it doesn't get annoying or disruptive.

# by N6REJ on 06/20/13 at 02:34:31

how do you u activate the sounds?

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1.84mb (14319 downloads)

4.00 / 84 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/07/10