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Submitted By falicon


A simple plug in that will use the API to automatically shorten any link you share (great for tracking how many clicks the links you share via adium generate!)

To use your own apiKey - create the following text file:

Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/bitly_api.txt

the contents of the file should be:


Where you replace the YOUR_BITLY_ASSIGNED_KEY and YOUR_BITLY_LOGIN with your account specific details.

Once you create the file in this location, make sure you restart Adium...and you should be all good (if you have troubles feel free to email me at info at falicon dot com any time).


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# by lepht on 08/17/10 at 19:55:59

I like the auto-shorten on send functionality, but in order for this to be at all useful as a tracker it would have to actually allow you to use your account.

As of right now, there's no way to 'track how many clicks the links you share via adium generate!', as the links don't show up on your account dashboard, and there's no configuration for the plugin that I can find.

Am I missing something here?

# by falicon on 08/17/10 at 22:31:49

I have an updated version that allows for configuration so you can use your own apiKey and login...I just have to get it submitted and through the approval process (sorry for the delay)

# by tom_taylor on 09/11/10 at 15:43:09

Can we have a filter with this plugin, so you can select which accounts it is active for, and if it matches any words from a list it wont sent to
A button within the chat window would be handy too! :)

# by [Tee]derDoc[DMC] on 01/30/11 at 03:20:19

Hi there

Does this only work if I have a account?
What if I would just like to shorten my links but don't necessarily want to track them or make a bitly account?
Coz for me it does not seem to work right now (I didn't create that textfile yet, since I dont have an account with them).

# by amok111 on 03/19/11 at 03:23:35

I have a account but can't get it working..

# by Pika_power on 03/28/11 at 10:16:34

I have registered a account, installed the plugin and set up the txt file, but it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

# by gourneau on 06/29/11 at 02:15:18

Could you please make this an open source project? Thanks!

# by sdenike on 08/16/11 at 02:44:38

I would really like to see this opened source as well. Would really like to use it as a base to create some other URL shortener plugins. Can it be placed on Github?

# by falicon on 09/01/11 at 06:30:37

I'll try to get this either open-sourced and/or just post the code to my blog's very hacky (hence the issues) but I'm sure one of you with the time/interest can clean it up and make something good out of it ;-)

# by guildnavigator on 03/16/12 at 23:10:46

I upgraded to Adium 1.5 today and this Extra started working. I had set it up a while ago and this is the first time I've seen it in action.

I have a custom domain set in my account, and says:

> Will my custom short domain work with 3rd-party tools?
> Once a Custom Short Domain has been configured for your bitly account, all 3rd-party tools that allow you to enter your bitly username and API key will now shorten URLs with your Custom Short Domain.

However when the Extra creates a shortened link it uses's domain.

Anyway to get the custom short domain working with this?



# by on 05/09/14 at 02:20:35

I'm having the same issue here. Anyone found a solution to this?

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6.32kb (2154 downloads)

3.00 / 13 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 11/09/10
Kevin Marshall