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Submitted By Félix Cloutier (Félix)


Executor lets you run shell commands from Adium and substitutes them with their stdout and stderr ouput. It's useful when you want to do quick lookup and give the result to your contact. Commands are passed to bash with the -c switch, and thus arguments undergo shell expansion. (Be aware, however, that the environment variables passed to your programs will be those of Adium, not of your usual command-line shell. This may lead to unexpected results if you depend on variables that you have set in your .profile file.)

Substitution only happens when the command completes and the text field blocks in the while, so don't run commands that take too long. Do not use commands that require input because stdin is unreachable, unless you want to lock down Adium.

Type /$ command at the beginning of your message.

  • /$ uptime
  • /$ host

If you are uncomfortable in front of a black screen with green text, if you do not know what rm does or if for you std only means very nasty stuff, DO NOT INSTALL THIS PLUGIN.

Source code available here.



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# by ruanpienaar on 02/02/11 at 18:10:34

you might want to consider adding a limit to the output that is given to Adium itself, commands with big output, simple gets my adium stuck. but it is defnitly very cool

# by ruanpienaar on 02/02/11 at 18:14:21

stuff like

/$ find / -name "*"

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Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 08/19/10