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a French Duck!

a French Duck!

Submitted By lemaxou (lemaxou)


I'm french and It's my very first X(tra), ok...
My english is very very bad and I'm just an amateur ok ok...

A- For change the messages of presence:
away=>Plus l?!
Idle=>OQP! (why "OQP!"? because It's similar of "occup?" in french phonetic)

B- For change the image of connection:
I have a Nokia 6600 so my duck too! (nice isn't it? ;-)

So the french duck is just an other simply duck!

My first UPDATE! "It's in color!"
First the "overlay" error's is now corrected!
And now... No more racism: a French Duck of Your favorit color!!

It's after reading the comments (Whaouuu!! I really don't think that It could be a such as succes! thanks for all!!!)
You give me a lot of ideas (blueRevolution you'r a master for me!)!!! Really thank you!
It's not finish, It's the begining, so You have to comments again!!
It's an absolute order!!! :-D



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# by lemaxou on 10/23/04 at 03:51:04

It's simply EXTRAODINARY!!!!!
I'm the contributor of this dock icon???
And so what???!? ;-D

# by BlueRevolution on 10/23/04 at 04:09:14

commenting on and rating your own X(tra)? for shame! very bad karma (done it myself :embarrassed:). anyway, love the phone thing. my suggestion though would be to use it as your alert animation instead of connecting since you get to see it more, and that's what really makes the icon unique, and slowing down the animation too. also you might want to try making one of each colour and zipping them together on one drive image like I did with the iPod to increase that thang called "appeal" :)... nice work on it, very original!

# by Quincy on 10/23/04 at 05:05:05

tr?s bon pour le pr?mier dock set monsieur (ou mademoiselle... je ne sais pas)! je parle fran?ais un peu; je parle anglais, mais, j'adore le dock set parce que j'?tudie le fran?ais langue (language?) ? mon ?cole maintenant. j'aime le t?l?phone nokia aussi, mais, je conviens (agree?) avec bluerevolution: si le t?l?phone nokia est une alerte, il est plus beau. bon (ou bonne?) chance monsieur (ou mademoiselle)!! (allait-il comment mon fran?ais? -- got this question straight from a translator so i'm not sure it's right: how was my french?)

# by BlueRevolution on 10/23/04 at 06:56:36

votre fran?ais n'est pas tr?s mal, mais ma premiere langue est anglais aussi. j'adore le ?dock set? parce qu'il y a un ?cell phone? :). the rest of this comment isn't born of a desire to one-up quincy, so I'll switch to english now since it would probably make no sense if I tried to say it in french :). I just noticed that you left the overlay property of the connecting mode on so you end up with some of the duck's wing poking through its armpit (wingpit?). oops! :)

# by DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD on 10/23/04 at 09:54:13

Quincy >> it was good ^^

Sinon ouai lemaxou il est pas mal ton dock mais je suis d'accord avec les autres m'enfin pour un premier jet c'est prometteur ;)

# by BlueRevolution on 10/23/04 at 16:43:08

uh, my french isn't all that good so I didn't catch most of that, I do know you agree with something/someone :)... when I asked babelfish it said "if not ouai lemaxou it is not badly your dock but I am d'accord with the others m'enfin for a first promising jet c'est", so it made more sense to me in french :)

# by BlueRevolution on 10/23/04 at 16:45:42

ok there now I'm up to 4 posts here :) but if you could make the duck's mouth move like it's yakking on the phone that would be totally awesome, but I can't even imagine how you'd begin to do that, unless there are some digital artistic talents that are hidden from me...

# by on 10/23/04 at 19:44:36

on se pr?ocupe des francais ici
superbe cette icone, elle est d?j? rendue dans le dock !!!
mais un peu plus d'originalit? serait la bienvenue
en ClR Boug? Vs pour trouver mieux LOOOOOL

non c'est une bon premier jet et j'aime bien lire les "zamerloques" tenter de parler un peu francais
ca en devient presque trop literraire.. ? la fin

# by lemaxou on 10/24/04 at 07:44:23

Thanks for all this comments!
hum... To make the 4 other icons took more time to me than thus envisaged...
I will answer all as soon as I could have slept a little!

Thanks again!! It's really cool for a biginner like me!

# by lemaxou on 10/24/04 at 07:47:00

Before sleeping: the next update will make move a little more our favorite duck, promised!

# by on 10/25/04 at 09:43:34

Est ce que c'est possible d'avoir le m?me que celui par d?faut avec le oqp et plus l?? : sans le portable koi :-)

# by on 10/25/04 at 13:42:21


# by lemaxou on 10/27/04 at 03:44:15

Posted by BlueRevolution at 1:09AM on 10/23/04
"down the animation too" done!
"also you might want to try making one of each colour" done again!!
" nice work on it, very original!" Thank you! You'r my first comment (apart from me ;-)!

Posted by Quincy at 2:05AM on 10/23/04
" tr?s bon pour le pr?mier dock set monsieur (ou mademoiselle... je ne sais pas)!" je ne suis qu'un gar?on mais c'est ma ch?rie qui m'a conseill? de le faire! "j'adore le dock set parce que j'?tudie le fran?ais langue (language?) ? mon ?cole maintenant." great! (it's "langue"! But don't say It was me who say that! ;-)
"je conviens (agree?)" french very correct, bravo!
"si le t?l?phone nokia est une alerte, il est plus beau" Bien re?u chef! (because of you I made thi sday another french duck: "a French Love" thanks you!
"bon (ou bonne?) chance monsieur!!" Merci!! (it's "bonne" ;-)
(allait-il comment mon fran?ais? -- got this question straight from a translator so i'm not sure it's right: how was my french?)"
you'r french is so good! (you can notice that I don't say the same thing! ;-)

Posted by BlueRevolution at 3:56AM on 10/23/04
"to one-up" heu... I don't understand this?
"I just noticed that you left the overlay property" thank you! (my update resolve this! ;-)

Posted by DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD at 6:54AM on 10/23/04
"pour un premier jet c'est prometteur ;)"
C'est super sympa! Merci! (whaoou! Je suis pas le seul fran?ais!!!!!! ;-)

Posted by BlueRevolution at 1:43PM on 10/23/04
"it made more sense to me in french :)" ;-D the relation between the french and the english! What a symbol! ;-) ;-D

Posted by BlueRevolution at 1:45PM on 10/23/04
"if you could make the duck's mouth move" it's made!!!! It's in the "a french Love!" my second X(tra) is "pending"! But the mouth move!!

Posted by Le-francais at 4:44PM on 10/23/04
"elle est d?j? rendue dans le dock !!!" merci!!!
"et j'aime bien lire les "zamerloques" " H? bien moi je salut leur effort! je trouve ?a tr?s respectueux et tr?s sympa (vraiment!)

Posted by Edouard Roger at 6:43AM on 10/25/04
"sans le portable koi :-)"
Oui bien sur (mais il ne faut pas qui fasse appel ? ces images g?n?riques), apr?s avoir t?l?charger "a French Duck" tu ouvre le fichier avec un control-clic (afficher le contenu du paquet) tu extrait alors les fichier "Away.png" et "Idle.png", tu vas alors les remplacer dans l'application elle-m?me: control-clic (afficher le contenu du paquet) sur Adium>Contents>Resources>Dock Icons>Adiumy Icons>Shared Images et tu vas aller effacer les remplacer par celles que tu viens d'extraire... Voil?!! :-)

# by on 12/29/04 at 23:25:39

Francais! Tr?s bon! Je ai voulu un "Dock Set" francais pour longtemps, merci beaucoup!

# by scrolls on 10/02/06 at 01:06:00

c'est beau de voir que c pas seulement des ostis d'anglophones qui utilisent adium. Par contre vous avez l'air de tous etre de la France.

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/22/07 at 04:40:28

I like EGGS!

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Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 10/24/04
the "classic" Adiumy Icon and the blue duck.AdiumIcon for the IconPack.plist