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Star Trek TNG sounds

Star Trek TNG sounds

Submitted By Art (Alchemist)


For all Star Trek TNG fans. These are sounds from the LCARS computer system on the Enterprise. Hope you enjoy it! Just drag it in to this folder:

user > library > application support > adium 2.0 > sounds


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# by BlueRevolution on 10/23/04 at 18:17:21

your sound set made Adium crash again and again until I fixed it. found the problem: if you get rid of the contact signed on and contact signed off lines with no sounds assigned then it works just fine.

# by CzarDerivative on 10/23/04 at 19:20:49


# by Alchemist on 10/23/04 at 22:57:47

Thanks for the heads up. I have deleted those lines. Hopefully it should be fine now.

# by danielgrenell on 10/24/04 at 20:35:53

installing just requires a double-click fyi

# by on 02/02/05 at 13:33:32

wow. exactly the set I was looking for... on the first try. ROCK ON.

# by on 03/21/05 at 06:01:08

wonderful! it feels absolutely fantastic to hear these sounds when one if we were living on the Enterprise! a MUST for trekkies!

# by captain on 03/12/06 at 23:36:40

Thanks for this! Really enjoy this sound set and goes great with my over all Star Trek Apple theme.

# by klingon4life on 12/12/06 at 16:55:30

This is awesome-->Thanks for the sounds. I love love TNG and Voyager.
-^- Long Live TREK -^-

# by Alchemist on 03/24/09 at 22:33:13

Any requests for this? I haven't updated this in years and maybe it's time! Please post here and let me know!

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159.1kb (21159 downloads)

3.60 / 155 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 10/23/04
The credit goes to the sound editors of Star Trek TNG.