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Submitted By Florian Pichler (pichfl)


Less vowels, less clutter, less waste. Still, it has some nifty feature build in:
  • better file request. Shiny and easy to use. Shift+Click the Save-Button to use "Save as..."
  • scales with your fontsize
  • disable user icons to enable a variant with user names
  • supports all options Adium gives you for customizing a messageview on your own (header, background, colors)
This messageview requires Adium 1.4


  • v1.11
    Removed unneeded files
  • v1.1
    Added Substyle Bigger User Icons
  • v1.0
    Initial Release


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# by Machete on 11/07/10 at 22:03:49

It is awesome!!!

Can I change the size of the contact icons?

# by pichfl on 11/08/10 at 10:34:08

Added a substyle with larger user icons. Please download again and restart Adium, then select the newly added substyle from the preferences panel.

# by Machete on 11/12/10 at 18:11:54


# by serinous on 11/08/10 at 10:17:50

it froze when i tried to use it.... had to delete it.

# by pichfl on 11/08/10 at 10:30:34

Please double check of you have Aium 1.4, it doesn't work with any version below. Also: What OS and Safari Version are you using? Please reply so I can fix this.

# by serinous on 11/09/10 at 08:41:33

oh sorry, didnt check that I have 1.3.3.... let me update it. haha

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/08/10 at 23:04:05

Looks nice, and I'm glad to see mods of the "modern" styles bundled with 1.4. I'm curious though, why did you add NextContent.html?

# by pichfl on 11/08/10 at 23:08:33

This is no mod, this is made from scratch. I'm not sure if I need to answer your question at all (if you peeked I bet you understand what's going on there), but it's used for the consecutive messages as I prefer to produce less clutter in the DOM.

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/08/10 at 23:25:10

Yeah, I understand what the file is for, and I can appreciate the desire for less clutter.

However, are you sure it's not a mod? Among other things, your info.plist contains keys I created that aren't documented anywhere. Mnmlsm also contains Images/vert.png, which is used in the Adium-bundled minimal_mod, but isn't referenced anywhere in mnmlsm. The timestamps still match the files contained in the Adium release.

# by pichfl on 11/08/10 at 23:56:36

for the record: I wasn't able to create a bundle from scratch (it always failed when I tried to install) so I made a copy minimal_mod (which is my personal favorite and so became my reference for creating message styles) and stripped everything but the .plist and structure and started from scratch. I already learned that not all keys are documented and why shouldn't I look at open source code to learn more and create better things?

It seems I failed to remove the (really not needed) images directory and therefore parts of your work, I'm really sorry for that. I'll remove it in the next update.

I'd love to hear from you by mail or IM.

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/11/10 at 22:45:54

Absolutely, look at the code, learn, and make things. I don't care if you use "my work"; everything in Adium is GPL licensed (and by extension all mods of bundled styles must be GPL). I'm not even a licensing zealot, but I was surprised to see evidence of the bundled style but be informed that it wasn't a "mod".

# by errolbert on 11/11/10 at 21:14:53

I love it! I was thinking of writing my own message style to get something clean that looks good with my buddy list style. You've saved me from doing the work ;-)

I do have a problem, I think: sometimes the history section is grayed out and sometimes it isn't... not a big deal, but I'd be happy to send you more info to work it out.

# by errolbert on 11/11/10 at 21:15:48

Re: history "greyness", does the age of the history determine it's lightness?

# by twixidee on 12/15/10 at 12:26:55

I almost hit "install", but then I saw the screenshots, including such grammatical errors as "Juliet want's to send..."
Proofread, and maybe I'd install. In this state, though, no way.

# by pichfl on 03/10/11 at 20:14:01

I'm no native speaker and even if I would be I'm pretty everyone can make a mistake. I'll update the screenshots with the next version.

# by tt_geishagirl on 03/10/11 at 19:36:46

When I installed this message style, it causes my Adium to crash. It locks up and I can't do anything.

# by pichfl on 03/10/11 at 20:11:20

Olease email me at and include following information: Version numbers for Adium, Mac OS X and Safari. (ie. Adium 1.4.1, Mac OS X 10.6.6, Safari 5.0.4) and I'll try to help.

# by membrana on 10/02/11 at 06:58:25

Love your Message Style! Could you consider making a "dark" version? or maybe a "solarized" version (


# by pichfl on 10/03/11 at 01:21:15

Good idea!

I'll consider it for the next version.

# by rob-to86 on 12/20/11 at 01:57:55

A pity this style doesn't coalesce status messages like the bundled styles do, makes the style less "minimal" if you will. Was this a conscious choice, Florian?

# by pichfl on 12/20/11 at 02:06:24

If you look at the preview images (or try the style), you will see that it has this feature.
If it doesn't work for you, you might want to try the beta of the new version of this style: (please read the readme there, I can't give support for beta software.)

# by rob-to86 on 12/20/11 at 02:22:18

Thanks for the prompt reply. :)

I asked Matthew ( about it and he was able to change it for me: "I just tacked an insert element to the end of status.html".

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13.23kb (29353 downloads)

4.30 / 264 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 11/11/10
Made as a modern replacement for my all time favorite: minimal_mod