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Mac Harmony

Mac Harmony

Submitted By BlueRevolution


Please note: As this dock icon set is packaged in a .dmg, please use the download link to the right. The install link won't work.

This is an almost-complete line of Apple's current offerings. Each icon spins in 3D when you get a message and uses different real-life screens to show states - screensaver for away etc. Includes iMac, iBook and PowerBook.

Note for eMac and Power Mac afictionados: Apple doesn't have QTVRs suitable for creation of icons so both are out of the question. Sorry.

If you like these, I also have a pack of iPods that behave similarly. The two aren't combined in one download because the result would be around twice the allowable file size limit :).



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# by lemaxou on 10/27/04 at 04:00:20

Quel travail ! Complet et c'est si agr?able de me rappeller mon dernier achat dans le dock... c'est presque philosophique: un powerbook ? l'int?rieur d'un powerbook! crazy! ;-)

# by Legolas on 12/30/04 at 03:07:25


# by Z on 04/16/05 at 02:31:07

Not a very pretty gimmick, but points for effort.

# by BlueRevolution on 04/16/05 at 03:30:40

then go find your pretty gimmicks if this didn't do it for you. I can't help that.

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Install | Download
1.32mb (2884 downloads)

3.10 / 112 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/23/04
All images ? Apple. Thanks to everyone who has given input to this series.