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One Line

One Line

Submitted By Trevin Ward (tedger)


This is a modification of the %_statusMessage that will first off add a "- " to the front of the message so it's a bit kinder to MSN display names, and second of all (and most importantly I think) removes everything after the first paragraph. This makes the status a bit kinder again, for MSN users, if only everyone just used AIM! I believe that the original script was written by Evan S. so obviously I've given him credit, but I'm not sure so if I'm wrong someone tell me and I'll fix it.


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# by on 11/02/04 at 22:36:07

Can I have a better axplanation because I am not English and I can't understand that really good.... Thx ;)

# by stalefries on 05/23/07 at 22:00:54

Basically, you can edit your display name for MSN so that it also shows your custom status messages. To edit your display name, go to Adium Preferences>Accounts, then edit your MSN account. Click the Personal tab, and edit the display name to include this script "%_sMoneLine".

For example, I could enter this:
stalefries %_sMoneLine

Then, all my MSN contacts would see my display name as:
stalefries - I'm eating delicious pizza

# by tedger on 11/05/04 at 17:05:07

There is an included script that is %_statusMessage that returns what your away message is. It's best used to put status messages in MSN display names. This script only takes the first line (everything before the first new line) so MSN users don't have to read a ton of crap

# by on 11/16/04 at 19:14:39

It would be good if this could put your status message in curly braces, eg. my display name {away}, since this seems to be how a lot of people do it on MSN, and (i think) how MSN Plus, dMSN, etc. handle custom statuses.

# by webby on 12/13/05 at 11:41:53

That is ingenious script.

# by stalefries on 05/23/07 at 21:49:01

Wow, thank you so much. I was thinking of doing some sort of Applescript hack to do this, but this is much better! Thanks!

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