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MLP:FiM Pinkie Pie

MLP:FiM Pinkie Pie

Submitted By admford (


Just a run of the mill high quality icon set of Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The images were sourced on deviantART with permission granted by the artists for this use (links to original images are available below and in the archive).

All art is property of the respective artists, and the My Little Pony franchise and relative characters are property of Hasbro.

Sources of Images:

Alert Animation: WobbleWobble by FluffyWuffs (;

Connecting Animation: Pinkie Pie Masking V2.5 by Shikogo (;

Asleep Icon: Pinkamena by CSImadmax (;

Awake Icon: Pinkie Pie by Peachspices (;

Away Icon: Formal Gummy Vector by MisterLolrus (;

Idle Icon: Sleeping Gummy by Adiwan (;


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4.09mb (804 downloads)

4.80 / 21 votes
Current Version: 1.11
Last Updated: 11/12/11
My Little Pony & Pinkie Pie are (c) by Hasbro; All art used in this icon pack is property of the respective artists.