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Google Play Music Now Playing

Google Play Music Now Playing

Submitted By Darwin (yorb)


Send the currently playing Google Music track in Google Chrome to your buddies, or use it as your status.

  • %_googlemusic_status : Red Step (Steve Aoki Remix) – Bassnectar & Jansten

Thanks to Tobias B for the Spotify Now Playing script, which I just copied and then added my own hideous scripting to.

If you don't like the generated string format, you can customize it by editing the script:

  1. Right-click on Google Music Now Playing.AdiumScripts after it's installed and choose Show Package Contents (you can find it in ~/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Scripts)
  2. Go into Contents/Resources/ and open songStatus.scpt (it should open Script Editor)
  3. Make your changes (should be obvious even if you're not familiar with AppleScript)
  4. Save and close (might have to change you status a couple times to see changes, or even re-open Adium, not sure)

  • Check multiple windows (currently only the foremost window is checked for a Google Music tab)
  • Check multiple browsers (for now, you can just edit the script if you don't use Chrome)
  • More formatting choices


  • Updated for Google Play (thanks phantasm)

  • Initial release.


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# by phantasm on 06/17/12 at 06:19:29

Since Google Music has changed names to Google Play, the above script will not return any results when %_googlemusic_status is called.

To fix this:
Follow the four (4) steps mentioned above to edit the AdiumScripts file and replace the sections that say "Google Music" with "Google Play"
Save and close

and the plugin will work again.

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7.61kb (1059 downloads)

5.00 / 2 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 06/23/12
• Darwin Campa (myself)
• Tobias B for the Spotify Now Playing script
• Google and Stack Overflow and such for providing me with answers to stupid AppleScript questions