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Adium Controls for Alfred

Adium Controls for Alfred

Submitted By Joel Gillman (jgillman)


A set of AppleScripts so you can set your chat status from Alfred App. You will need Alfred and the Powerpack to use this.


To install Adium Controls for Alfred double click on each of the extension files:
- Adium Controls - Custom Away.alfredextension
- Adium Controls - Go Offline.alfredextension
- Adium Controls - Go Online.alfredextension
- Adium Controls - Set Available.alfredextension

How to use

Once installed with Alfred you can run the following commands

on :: Set all appropriate accounts on "Online" and open Adium if not already open
off :: Set all accounts to "Offline"
back :: Set status to "Available"
away :: Set status to "Away"
away l :: Set status to "lunch" and start screensaver
away m :: Set status to "meeting" and start screensaver
away p :: Set status to "on the phone" and start screen saver
away d :: Set status to "do no disturb" and start screen saver
away b :: Set status to "brb" and start screensaver
away i :: Set status to invisible
away my custom message :: Set status to "my custom message" and start screensaver


Adium Controls

Source on Github


1.1.0 - February 27, 2012
  • Added "do not diturb", "on the phone", and invisible settings
  • Refactored code

1.0.0 - January 31, 2012
  • Inital Release


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# by iiiGerardoiii on 02/09/12 at 05:49:25

awesome :D

# by karineko on 02/12/12 at 15:45:32

This is great. Are you planing to add more status like busy, dnd, on the phone, etc besides the generic away one?

# by jgillman on 02/14/12 at 20:21:27

I absolutely can! You can also manually set these by typing "away busy" or "away on the phone" in Alfred. Though I know some IM accounts support an actual busy and dnd status. Look out for 1.1 this weekend.

# by karineko on 02/15/12 at 06:22:30

Hi Joel, it's great to hear that there is an update coming with these features.
Many thanks!

# by karineko on 03/18/12 at 14:41:26

Thanks for adding more status states on this update. :)

# by silverhand31 on 04/16/13 at 06:57:45

Thank you! Register to comment here :D
Hope more update come soon.

# by mareoraft on 09/13/13 at 19:48:52

I am having an issue with the installation. When I first opened the file I did "open with TextWrangler" to see what it looked like. But this ruined the double-clicking installation. So then I tried "open with Alfred", but this didn't work either. Thank you so much for your help.

# by mareoraft on 09/14/13 at 18:13:14

Okay, I found this workflow (newer version?) which worked just the same. I made some edits to the applescript to make Adium automatically hide when I go offline:

on alfred_script(q)
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "Adium" to false
end tell
tell application "Adium" to go offline
on error
end try
end alfred_script

Also, I changed the "back" applescript to SHOW the application as opposed to activating it, to make it execute faster.

on alfred_script(q)
tell application "Adium" to go available
on error
end try
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Adium"
set frontmost to true
end tell
end tell
end alfred_script

You can use these examples to similarly edit your "online" and "away" applescripts as you please. You can add the line

if application "Adium" is not running then tell application "Adium" to activate

to make the application open in the case that it is not running. This is still faster than using the activate command.

# by mareoraft on 09/14/13 at 18:16:35

Sorry I forgot to post the link. I found it here:

There is also a guy who is making more features here:

# by lickybuay on 08/27/14 at 18:59:03

Will be awesome i could send a message to specific user :D

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15.38kb (2676 downloads)

4.00 / 9 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 02/27/12